Banking & Bankster Quotes


Crime is for poor people. You don't need to rob the bank if you own it Quote

“Crime is for poor people. You don’t need to rob the bank if you own it” — Josh Lieb


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banks that are not only too big to fail, but too big to be held accountable Quote

“We have banks that are not only too big to fail, but too big to be held accountable” — Joseph E. Stiglitz

The bank - the monster has to have profits all the time. It can't wait. It'll die. No, taxes go on. When the monster stops growing, it dies Quote

“The bank – the monster has to have profits all the time. It can’t wait. It’ll die. No, taxes go on. When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can’t stay one size” — John Steinbeck


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It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning Quote

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford


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Carlos Torres Vila Really people don't like banking, it's boring, it takes time, causes them stress, and people have bad financial habits quote

“Really people don’t like banking, it’s boring, it takes time, causes them stress, and people have bad financial habits” — Carlos Torres Vila


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God does not play dice, bankers do Quote

God does not play dice, bankers do” — Greg Curtis


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Consumers judging digital banking experience to companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Uber and Apple Quote

“Consumers are increasingly judging their digital banking experience to the offerings from companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, Uber and Apple” — Jim Marous


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Carlos Torres Vila What we can do is leverage data and AI to provide people with peace of mind, really having an almost magical experience that things in their financial life turn out the way they want it. It's almost like a self-driving bank experience quote

“What we can do is leverage data and AI to provide people with peace of mind, really having an almost magical experience that things in their financial life turn out the way they want it. It’s almost like a self-driving bank experience” — Carlos Torres Vila


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The only thing useful banks have invented in 20 years is the ATM Quote

“The only thing useful banks have invented in 20 years is the ATM” — Paul Volcker


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Marcus Treacher The payments industry is revving up, but it is stuck in second gear because it is being held back by the antiquated banking system quote

“The payments industry is revving up, but it is stuck in second gear because it is being held back by the antiquated banking system” — Marcus Treacher


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Amazon is not building a bank by the traditional definition, Amazon is building financial services products to increase participation in the Amazon ecosystem. Amazon is building a bank for Amazon, and that may be even more compelling than launching a traditional deposit-holding bank. Quote

“Amazon is not building a bank by the traditional definition, Amazon is building financial services products to increase participation in the Amazon ecosystem. Amazon is building a bank for Amazon, and that may be even more compelling than launching a traditional deposit-holding bank.” — Lindsay Davis


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The fear among bankers is that there's this guy out there, and he can do whatever he wants, and nobody can stop him, I would be afraid too if I were a bank Quote

“The fear among bankers is that there’s this guy out there, and he can do whatever he wants, and nobody can stop him, I would be afraid too if I were a bank” — Dick Bove


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If banks are to protect themselves effectively from the price tag of an online banking cyber security incident, they first need to become more prepared for the dangers DDoS attacks pose to their online banking services Quote

“If banks are to protect themselves effectively from the price tag of an online banking cyber security incident, they first need to become more prepared for the dangers DDoS attacks pose to their online banking services” — Kirill Ilganaev


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 Barclays jeopardized billions of dollars of wealth  Quote

Barclays jeopardized billions of dollars of wealth through practices that were plainly irresponsible and dishonest
Loretta Lynch


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Barclays 2 Billion Dollar Settlement Smaller

Barclays is paying far less than other big banks paid. In 2013, JPMorgan Chase paid $13 billion. In 2014, Bank of America paid $16 billion. Deutsche Bank paid $7 billion.
Nobody knows banking better than I do Quote

“Nobody knows banking better than I do” — Donald Trump


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The average annual cost of cyber attacks for financial services firms is $20 million. How many $20 million dollar attacks can you afford? Quote

“The average annual cost of cyber attacks for financial services firms is $20 million. How many $20 million dollar attacks can you afford?
Chris Thompson, Senior Managing Director Accenture Finance & Risk Services”


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Banks are an almost irresistible attraction for that element of our society which seeks unearned money Quote

“Banks are an almost irresistible attraction for that element of our society which seeks unearned money” — J. Edgar Hoover


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Foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilisation Quote

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilisation” — Otto von Bismarck


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Rana Foroohar The finance industry creates 4% of jobs, but takes 25% of the profits in corporate America quote

“The finance industry creates 4% of jobs, but takes 25% of the profits in corporate America” — Rana Foroohar

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A bank CEO should not be able to oversee a massive fraud & simply walk away to enjoy his millions in retirement Quote

“A bank CEO should not be able to oversee a massive fraud & simply walk away to enjoy his millions in retirement
Elizabeth Warren


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Instead of safeguarding its customers Wells Fargo exploited them. This is an incredible breach of trust that threatens not only the customer who depended on Wells Fargo, but confidence in our banking system Quote

“Instead of safeguarding its customers Wells Fargo exploited them. This is an incredible breach of trust that threatens not only the customer who depended on Wells Fargo, but confidence in our banking system” — Xavier Becerra


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John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

Louis Brandeis more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by somebody else's goose. The investment bankers and their associates now enjoy that privilege quote

“The goose that lays golden eggs has been considered a most valuable possession. But even more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by somebody else’s goose. The investment bankers and their associates now enjoy that privilege” — Louis Brandeis


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I took on the biggest bank in the world and brought them down, biggest government corruption, rewarded with jail, I would do it again Quote

“I took on the biggest bank in the world and brought them down, and I took on the biggest government in the world and exposed their corruption, and I’m being rewarded with jail, I would do it again” — Bradley Birkenfeld


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Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again Quote

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again”
Josiah Stamp


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Maria T. Vullo DFS will not tolerate the flagrant disregard of anti-money laundering laws and will take decisive and tough action against any institution that fails to have compliance programs in place to prevent illicit transactions quote

“DFS will not tolerate the flagrant disregard of anti-money laundering laws and will take decisive and tough action against any institution that fails to have compliance programs in place to prevent illicit transactions. The compliance failures that DFS found at the New York Branch of Mega Bank are serious, persistent and affected the entire Mega banking enterprise and they indicate a fundamental lack of understanding of the need for a vigorous compliance infrastructure. DFS’s recent examination uncovered that Mega Bank’s compliance program was a hollow shell, and this consent order is necessary to ensure future compliance” — Maria T. Vullo


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Mother Jones 37 bank mergers to 4 chart

Bank Mergers from 37 to 4 Source: Mother Jones

It is not Congress which regulates Wall Street, but Wall Street that regulates Congress. The Solution: The major Wall Street banks must be broken up, and I will introduce legislation to do that Quote

“It is not Congress which regulates Wall Street, but Wall Street that regulates Congress. The Solution: The major Wall Street banks must be broken up, and I will introduce legislation to do that” — Bernie Sanders


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The billions and billions of dollars of fines they have paid for financial fraud are just another cost of doing business, another shortcut to unjust profits Quote

“Top bankers have shown no shame for their bad behavior and have made no apologies to the public. The billions and billions of dollars of fines they have paid for financial fraud are just another cost of doing business, another shortcut to unjust profits” — Bernie Sanders


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Wall Street put billions of dollars in lobbying, in campaign contributions to get the government off their backs. They got the government off their backs.  Turns out that they were crooks, and they destroyed our economy. I think it’s time to put the government back on their backs Quote

“Wall Street put billions of dollars in lobbying, in campaign contributions to get the government off their backs. They got the government off their backs. Turns out that they were crooks, and they destroyed our economy. I think it’s time to put the government back on their backs” — Bernie Sanders


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Elayne Boosler Banks used to give us toasters when we opened an account. Now, they give us toasters instead of returning our savings quote

“Banks used to give us toasters when we opened an account. Now, they give us toasters instead of returning our savings” — Elayne Boosler


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Charles Schwab essentially robbed the entire contents of our homes: dishes, furniture, electronics, family photos, your grandmother’s apron, everything. When caught by the police (the SEC), the thieves were asked to return only a toaster Quote

“Basically, many banks (including the investment firm of Charles Schwab) essentially robbed the entire contents of our homes: dishes, furniture, electronics, family photos, your grandmother’s apron, everything. When caught by the police (the SEC), the thieves were asked to return only a toaster” — Elayne Boosler


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Elayne Boosler Schwab took the money entrusted to it by people willing to accept very little, to protect their savings, and used it to buy high-risk junk mortgages to enrich itself on the back end. We weren’t greedy. Charles Schwab was quote

“Schwab took the money entrusted to it by people willing to accept very little, to protect their savings, and used it to buy high-risk junk mortgages to enrich itself on the back end. We weren’t greedy. Charles Schwab was” — Elayne Boosler


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Bernie Sanders Business model of Wall Street is fraud. In my view, there is no better example than the recently-exposed illegal behavior at Wells Fargo quote

“Business model of Wall Street is fraud. In my view, there is no better example than the recently-exposed illegal behavior at Wells Fargo” — Bernie Sanders


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Wells Fargo should be broken up. It's too big to manage. ... some of the most egregious fraud we have seen since the foreclosure crisis. I'm moving forward to break up Wells Fargo bank Quote

“Wells Fargo should be broken up. It’s too big to manage. … some of the most egregious fraud we have seen since the foreclosure crisis. I’m moving forward to break up Wells Fargo bank” — Maxine Waters


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Wells Fargo's fleecing of its customers by opening fraudulent accounts for the purpose of extracting millions in illegal fees demonstrates, at best, a reckless lack of institutional control and, at worst,  a culture which actively promotes wanton greed Quote

“Wells Fargo’s fleecing of its customers by opening fraudulent accounts for the purpose of extracting millions in illegal fees demonstrates, at best, a reckless lack of institutional control and, at worst, a culture which actively promotes wanton greed” — John Chiang


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In the end banking is a very good business unless you do dumb things. You get your money extraordinarily cheap and you don't have to do dumb things. But periodically banks do it Quote

“In the end banking is a very good business unless you do dumb things. You get your money extraordinarily cheap and you don’t have to do dumb things. But periodically banks do it” — Warren Buffett


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Splendid financiering is not  legitimate banking & splendid financiers are either humbugs or rascals Quote

“Splendid financiering is not legitimate banking, and ‘splendid financiers’ are generally either humbugs or rascals” — Hugh McCulloch


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Franklin Roosevelt Some of our bankers had shown themselves either incompetent or dishonest in their handling of the people’s funds. They had used the money entrusted to them in speculations and unwise loans quote

“Some of our bankers had shown themselves either incompetent or dishonest in their handling of the people’s funds. They had used the money entrusted to them in speculations and unwise loans” — Franklin Roosevelt


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Pat Bagley Tax Haven

Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune

Until you start sending people to jail, the pockets are there to satisfy the penalties. It’s not until the ends don’t justify the means that you may start seeing people thinking differently Quote

“Until you start sending people to jail, the pockets are there to satisfy the penalties. It’s not until the ends don’t justify the means that you may start seeing people thinking differently” — Jerry Robinette


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The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent Quote

“The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent” — John Kenneth Galbraith


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Mervyn King Banks Create Money by crediting customers' accounts

“When banks extend loans to their customers, they create money by crediting their customers’ accounts” — Mervyn King

Governor of the Bank of England (page 3, paragraph 3)


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Satyajit Das Modern finance is generally incomprehensible to ordinary men and women ... The level of comprehension of many bankers and regulators is not significantly higher. Like the wolf in the fairy tale: 'All the better to fleece you with' quote

“Modern finance is generally incomprehensible to ordinary men and women … The level of comprehension of many bankers and regulators is not significantly higher. Like the wolf in the fairy tale: ‘All the better to fleece you with'” — Satyajit Das


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William Black Apparently modern financial regulators are vastly more sophisticated than we were as financial regulators 25 years ago – because we had never figured out that the key to financial stability was leaving felons in charge of the largest financial institutions in the world quote

“Apparently modern financial regulators are vastly more sophisticated than we were as financial regulators 25 years ago – because we had never figured out that the key to financial stability was leaving felons in charge of the largest financial institutions in the world” — William Black


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Facing a banking crisis banks created - still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill Quote

“Banks – hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created – are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place” — – Senator Richard Durbin


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The bankers ... strategy emerged: Target families who were already in a little trouble, lend them more money, get them entangled in high fees and astronomical interest rates, and then block the doors  to the bankruptcy exit if they really got in over their heads Quote

“The bankers … strategy emerged: Target families who were already in a little trouble, lend them more money, get them entangled in high fees and astronomical interest rates, and then block the doors to the bankruptcy exit if they really got in over their heads” — Elizabeth Warren


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Nothing says 'Drain the Swamp' like telling bankers to give more money to politicians who put banks ahead of people Quote

“Nothing says drain the swamp like telling a room full of bankers to give more money to politicians who put the interests of banks ahead of people” — Adam Schiff


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Elizabeth Warren doesn't agree with me on many subjects, and I wouldn't agree with her on many subjects, but she is basically right when she says that American finance is out of control and that it isn't good for the rest of us Quote

“Elizabeth Warren doesn’t agree with me on many subjects, and I wouldn’t agree with her on many subjects, but she is basically right when she says that American finance is out of control and that it isn’t good for the rest of us” — Charlie Munger, vice-chair Berkshire Hathaway and a Republican


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Employees with less than two decades in the industry say they would likely engage in insider trading to make $10 million if there was no chance of being arrested Quote

“Nearly one third of [investment banking] employees with less than two decades in the industry say they would likely engage in insider trading to make $10 million if there was no chance of being arrested” — Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas


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Ann Tenbrunsel, University of Notre Dame and Jordan Thomas, Labaton Sucharow LLP from The Street, The Bull and The Crisis: A Survey of the US & UK Financial Services Industry


“One of the most troubling signs our research uncovered is the decline in loans in relation to deposits It is apparent that trading assets constitute a smaller share of total assets while holdings of interest-bearing deposits have increased.” — Martin Neil Baily, William Bekker & Sarah E. Holmes in Brookings Institution Study: The big four banks: The evolution of the financial sector, Part I

There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage Quote

“There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It’s called marriage” — James Holt McGavran


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Jean Baudrillard I hesitate to deposit money in a bank. I am afraid I shall never dare to take it out again quote

“I hesitate to deposit money in a bank. I am afraid I shall never dare to take it out again” — Jean Baudrillard


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Bankers are just like anybody else, only richer Quote

“Bankers are just like anybody else, only richer” — Ogden Nash


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It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank accounts, that drives our democracy Quote

“It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank accounts, that drives our democracy” — Barack Obama


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If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank Quote

“If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank” — Woody Allen


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Chocolate makes everyone smile - even bankers Quote

“Chocolate makes everyone smile – even bankers” — Ben Strohecker


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I saw a bank that said '24 Hour Banking', but I don't have that much time Quote

“I saw a bank that said ’24 Hour Banking’, but I don’t have that much time” — Steven Wright


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This is the twilight of the banks. It would be a more cheerful spectacle if we could envision the dawn of the institutions that will replace them Quote

“This is the twilight of the banks. It would be a more cheerful spectacle if we could envision the dawn of the institutions that will replace them” — Martin Mayer


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William Black If you bring cases against powerful bankers, they will enlist their political allies and they will give very large political contributions to do that quote

“If you bring cases against powerful bankers, they will enlist their political allies and they will give very large political contributions to do that” — William Black


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Political Corruption Carrot & Stick by Daryl Cagle of

Daryl Cagle of

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it Quote

“A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it” — Bob Hope


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They usually have two tellers in my local bank, except when it's very busy, when they have one Quote

“They usually have two tellers in my local bank, except when it’s very busy, when they have one” —Rita Rudner


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If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem Quote

“If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem” — J Paul Getty


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Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard Quote

“Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard” — Will Durant


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Got no checkbooks, got no banks, Still I'd like to express my thanks; I've got the sun in the morning and the moon at night Quote

“Got no checkbooks, got no banks, Still I’d like to express my thanks; I’ve got the sun in the morning and the moon at night” — Irving Berlin


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What is the robbing of a bank compared to Founding of a bank? Quote

“What is the robbing of a bank compared to the FOUNDING of a bank?” — Bertolt Brecht


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A father is a banker provided by nature Quote

“A father is a banker provided by nature” — French Proverb

“Un père est un banquier fourni par la nature”


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What a dignity it gives an old lady, that balance at the bankers! How tenderly we look at her faults if she is a relative; what a kind, good-natured old creature we find her! Quote

“What a dignity it gives an old lady, that balance at the bankers! How tenderly we look at her faults if she is a relative; what a kind, good-natured old creature we find her!” — William Makepeace Thackeray


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Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess Quote

“Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess” — Irving Fisher


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I went to the bank and proposed that they lend money to the poor people. The bankers almost fell over Quote

“I went to the bank and proposed that they lend money to the poor people. The bankers almost fell over” — Muhammad Yunus


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They explained to me that the bank cannot lend money to poor people because these people are not creditworthy Quote

“They explained to me that the bank cannot lend money to poor people because these people are not creditworthy” — Muhammad Yunus


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A bank book makes good reading - better than some novels Quote

A bank book makes good reading – better than some novels — Harry Lauder


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There is a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from having money in the bank Quote

“There is a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from having money in the bank” — Tom Robbins


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When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation Quote

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation” — Napoleon Bonaparte


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A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain Quote

“A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain” — Robert Frost


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If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property Quote

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs — Thomas Jefferson


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Resolutions drawn on a bank where they have no account Quote

“Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account” — Oscar Wilde


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The banks have gotten away with privatizing profits and socializing risks, and that’s just another form of bank robbery Quote

“The banks have gotten away with privatizing profits and socializing risks, and that’s just another form of bank robbery” — Nicholas Kristof


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John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

Goldman Sachs Washington Post Headline

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