Tenbrunsel & Thomas: Insider Trade

Posted by admin on Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas Money Quote saying junior investment bankers are willing to commit insider trading if they are sure they won’t be caught. Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas said:
Employees with less than two decades in the industry say they would likely engage in insider trading to make $10 million if there was no chance of being arrested Quote

“Nearly one third of [investment banking] employees with less than two decades in the industry say they would likely engage in insider trading to make $10 million if there was no chance of being arrested” — Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas


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In this quote, Ann Tenbrunsel and Jordan Thomas are sharing the results of a survey they conducted of investment banking employees. They found that nearly one third of those with less than 20 years of experience in the industry said they would likely engage in illegal insider trading if they could make $10 million without risk of legal consequences.

Insider trading involves using non-public information to profit in financial markets. This suggests many junior investment bankers have weak ethical standards when it comes to resisting large financial temptations.

The quote highlights how even in a professional field, greed and lack of integrity could potentially override following the law for some individuals when large sums of money are at stake according to this interpretation.

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