George Carlin: Change Machines

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 22, 2010

George Carlin Money Quote saying you can’t expect things to change just because you are told they will – especially if it’s a paid transaction. George Carlin said:
I put a dollar in one of those change machines. Nothing changed Quote

“I put a dollar in one of those change machines. Nothing changed” — George Carlin


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George Carlin was a famous American comedian known for his dark political and social humor. In this quote, he is referring to vending machines or coin-operated machines that are supposed to dispense change when paper bills are inserted. By saying “nothing changed”, Carlin is making a joke that even though he put a dollar in the machine as expected, the machine did not provide any change for anyone that wants change in their circumstances or situation.

So nothing happened as a result of the transaction, despite being told the machine would provide something different for them. Carlin is using this humorous anecdote to comment more broadly on how things don’t always work out as promised, even when following instructions or participating in an economic transaction.

Birthday: May 12, 1937 – Death: June 22, 2008

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