Middle Class Quotes
“Millionaires are just as patriotic as poor people. The very wealthy are just as noble and patriotic as the middle class. But nothing has been asked of them in this horrendous recession. And it’s time we just ask” — Joe Biden

“I will never apologize for helping Americans — working Americans and middle class, especially not to the same folks who voted for a $2 trillion tax cut that mainly benefitted the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations” — Joe Biden

“We plutocrats need to see that the United States of America made us, not the other way around; that a thriving middle class is the source of prosperity in capitalist economies, not a consequence of it” — Nick Hanauer

“Millionaires are just as patriotic as poor people. The very wealthy are just as noble and patriotic as the middle class. But nothing has been asked of them in this horrendous recession. And it’s time we just ask” — Joe Biden

“Instead of tax reform, why not just require every poor and middle class person to send a check for, say, $1000 to their favorite rich person” — Barbara Ehrenreich

“Shine a light on this shameful Trumpcare bill and reveal to the public the GOP’s true intentions: to give the uber-wealthy a tax break while making middle class Americans pay more for less healthcare coverage” — Chuck Schumer

“Instead of focusing on hard-working families as he promised, President Trump’s tax outline is a wish list for billionaires. What few details are here overwhelmingly cut taxes for the richest and do little for middle class Americans and those trying to get there” — Nancy Pelosi

“The trickle-down experiment that began in the Reagan years failed America’s middle class. Sure, the rich are doing great. Giant corporations are doing great. Lobbyists are doing great. But we need an economy where everyone else who works hard gets a shot at doing great!” — Elizabeth Warren

“Rich people pay FOX people to make middle-class people blame poor people” — John Fugelsang

“Poverty is everyone’s problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are ALL touched by poverty” — Kathleen Blanco

“The wealthy buy luxuries last, while the poor and middle-class tend to buy luxuries first” — Robert Kiyosaki

“Our inequality materializes our upper class, vulgarizes our middle class, brutalizes our lower class” — Matthew Arnold

“We are in the midst of intense class warfare, where the wealthiest people and the largest corporations are at war with the middle class and working families of this country and it is obvious the big-money interests are winning that war” — Bernie Sanders

“The middle class were invented to give the poor hope; the poor, to make the rich feel special; the rich, to humble the middle class” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Any reductions we have in upper-income taxes will be offset by less deductions, so there will be no absolute tax cut for the upper class. There will be a big tax cut for the middle class, but any tax cuts we have for the upper class will be offset by less deductions that pay for it” — Steve Mnuchin

“I’m a middle-bracket person with a middle-bracket spouse, And we live together gaily in a middle-bracket house. We’ve a fair-to-middlin’ family; we take the middle view; So we’re manna sent from heaven to internal revenue” — Phyllis McGinley

“I’m not anti-middle-class in the slightest. Look at me! I am very pro people putting time and money and effort into trying to improve the world” — J. K. Rowling

“The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class” — George Carlin

“This bank-centric structure of American policy has gutted the middle class by making every aspect of their well-being dependent on their accumulation of debt products” — Holly M. Wood

“The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world” — Donald Trump