Marcus Tullius Cicero: Rich Wealth Valuation

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 11, 2017

Cicero Money Quote saying wealth is more a state of mind than of what possessions can be counted. Cicero said:
Wealth is not defined by the valuation of the census, but by habit and mode of life: not to be greedy is wealth; not to be extravagant is revenue. Above all things, to be content with what we possess is the greatest of all riches Quote

“Wealth is not defined by the valuation of the census, but by habit and mode of life: not to be greedy is wealth; not to be extravagant is revenue. Above all things, to be content with what we possess is the greatest of all riches” — Cicero


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Cicero is saying that true wealth and prosperity are not measured by the amount of money or possessions one has according to official records, but rather by the habits and lifestyle a person adopts. The best interpretation is that Cicero believes wealth is better defined as not desiring more than what you need, and finding satisfaction and contentment with what you already possess regardless of quantity or value.

Living within one’s means, avoiding wasteful excess and being ungreedy are, in Cicero’s view, the hallmarks of true riches rather than any amount of material resources. His message suggests that inner peace and happiness are best achieved by learning to be sufficiently content with our current situation in life rather than constantly pursuing more wealth or status.

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