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Henry David Thoreau: Vague Riches

Posted by admin on Friday, January 5, 2024

Meaning of Henry David Thoreau Money Quote: saying No run on a bank can take our wealth not owning but enjoying. Henry David Thoreau said:

No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment Quote

“O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment” — Henry David Thoreau


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In this quote, Thoreau is referring to the riches of nature and experiences, rather than material wealth. He finds true riches not in possessions, but in enjoying all that nature has to offer through observing, exploring, and experiencing the outdoors.

Even if he owned nothing, he would still feel wealthy due to his ability to appreciate nature’s beauty. The quote suggests that wealth is not about what you own, but rather how much you are able to enjoy in life without the need for possessions or money.

Birthday: July 12, 1817 – Death: May 6, 1862

Ezra Benson: Nothing Down Riches

Posted by admin on Friday, June 9, 2023

Meaning of Ezra Taft Benson Money Quote: saying better to have a good name than acquiring the appearance with nothing down, nothing to pay. Ezra Taft Benson said:
appearance of riches, acquired with nothing down and nothing to pay for 2 months Quote

“A good name is still to be preferred over great riches. Especially it is to be preferred to the appearance of riches, acquired with nothing down and nothing to pay for 2 months” — Ezra Taft Benson


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This quote from Ezra Taft Benson suggests that having a good reputation is more valuable than wealth, especially wealth acquired through frivolous spending using easy credit terms. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Benson implies that a virtuous character and the respect it brings are more important than money or material goods purchased irresponsibly through promotional financing.
  • He portrays deferred payment plans that allow consumption without immediate cost as enabling superficial displays of affluence without substance and risking future financial difficulties.
  • Benson’s perspective conveys the viewpoint that true worth comes from qualities like integrity, frugality and prudence rather than fleeting appearances of status fueled by unsustainable debt.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on where to draw the line between prudent and imprudent uses of credit depending on individual priorities and circumstances over the lifespan.

Overall, the quote reflects Benson’s belief that a good reputation surpasses superficial wealth attained through unsustainable means like frivolous credit use. But the best interpretation considers this perspective as one of many valid stances, as personal finance involves complex, lifelong discussions around balancing financial security, opportunity and responsibility according to philosophy, culture and changing needs.

Birthday: August 4, 1899 – Death: May 30, 1994

Louisa May Alcott: Goodness Rich

Posted by admin on Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Meaning of Louisa May Alcott Money Quote: saying Being good has more value than being famous and wealthy. Louisa May Alcott said:
goodness is the best capital to business fame and money fail only riches Quote

“Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us” — Louisa May Alcott


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Alcott’s quote emphasizes the importance of genuine goodness as a foundation for a fulfilling life. She suggests that true goodness, or kindness, compassion, and selflessness, are the most valuable assets we can possess, as they will endure even when other things like fame and wealth fade away. In other words, these qualities are the “capital” that will serve us well in the long run, and they are the only things that we can take with us when we leave this world behind.

Alcott is encouraging us to prioritize our values and character over external measures of success, like fame and wealth. She suggests that by cultivating a strong foundation of goodness, we can build a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling, even in the face of adversity.

Birthday: November 29, 1832 – Death: March 6, 1888

Richard Burton: Hoards Riches

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 2, 2022

Richard Burton Money Quote saying a frugal guy that doesn’t enjoy the dough is just a work-horse for the cash. Richard Burton said:
A man that hoards up riches and enjoys them not, is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles Quote

“A man that hoards up riches and enjoys them not, is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles” — Richard Burton


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In this quote, Richard Burton is drawing a comparison between someone who accumulates wealth but does not use it to enjoy life, and a donkey that carries valuable gold coins yet can only eat thistles, a spiky weed with little nutritional value.

The best interpretation is that Burton believes amassing riches just for the sake of hoarding them, without taking time to experience and benefit from the financial security provided, is a foolish waste akin to a beast of burden nurturing only on thorns while hauling around treasure it cannot access.

Overall, Burton appears to be saying that the purpose of earning or having money is to improve one’s quality of living and ability to find enjoyment or fulfillment. Merely stockpiling wealth without using it for personal gain or pleasure is as nonsensical as a donkey filled with gold yet subsisting on vegetation that brings it no benefit.

Birthday: November 10, 1925 – Death: August 5, 1984

Charles Caleb Colton: Rich Despise

Posted by admin on Monday, March 14, 2022

Charles Caleb Colton Money Quote saying even if riches of others are desipised, we wouldn’t feel the same of our own wealth. Charles Caleb Colton said:
Many speak the truth when they say that they despise riches, but they mean the riches possessed by others Quote

“Many speak the truth when they say that they despise riches, but they mean the riches possessed by others” — Charles Caleb Colton


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This quote suggests that when some people say they despise riches or wealth, they are not actually referring to riches in general. Rather, they mean the riches possessed by other individuals, not themselves.

The quote implies that it is easy for people to claim to dislike wealth in the abstract, but many would not truly feel that way if presented with riches and wealth for themselves.

So the quote is pointing out the potential hypocrisy where one criticizes the riches of others while still wanting or desiring wealth if it were their own possession. It serves as a reminder that it is human nature to want riches, even for those who profess to despise the concept.

Birthday: December 11, 1777 – Death: April 28, 1832

Thomas Jefferson: Honesty Riches

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Thomas Jefferson Money Quote saying he hadn’t seen levels of honesty grow with wealth. Thomas Jefferson said:
I have not observed mens honesty to increase with their riches Quote

“I have not observed mens honesty to increase with their riches” — Thomas Jefferson


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This quote suggests that Thomas Jefferson did not believe people necessarily become more honest or virtuous as they accumulate more wealth and riches. He appears to be expressing skepticism that morality and integrity necessarily scale up along with financial prosperity.

Jefferson seems to be implying, based on his observations, that getting richer does not always correlate with becoming more trustworthy or principled. The quote conveys Jefferson’s perspective that affluence on its own does not necessarily translate to higher integrity or honesty according to his experience.

Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826

Benjamin Franklin: Multiplying Cares

Posted by admin on Monday, February 21, 2022

Benjamin Franklin Money Quote saying an increase in wealth means more worry. Benjamin Franklin said:
He who multiplies riches multiplies cares Quote

“He who multiplies riches multiplies cares” — Benjamin Franklin


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Benjamin Franklin is saying that gaining more wealth or riches often leads to having more worries and cares. As one accumulates more money and possessions, they take on more responsibilities to manage and protect those things.

Franklin is suggesting that gaining riches does not necessarily lead to greater happiness or less stress, as more worries will come along with having more wealth and material goods to look after. His quote advises that gaining riches may multiply one’s cares and burdens rather than simplify life.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

Benjamin Franklin: Little House Wife

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Benjamin Franklin Money Quote saying a home, a garden and a spouse are true wealth. Benjamin Franklin said:
A little House well fill'd, a little Field well till'd, and a little Wife well will'd, are great Riches Quote

“A little House well fill’d, a little Field well till’d, and a little Wife well will’d, are great Riches” — Benjamin Franklin


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Benjamin Franklin is saying in this quote that having the basic necessities of life – a home, land to grow food, and a happy family – can provide as much wealth and fulfillment as money or material possessions alone.

Franklin believed that true riches come from finding satisfaction and prosperity in simple domestic pleasures through hard work and mutual care within a family, rather than seeking an excess of worldly goods. The quote emphasizes that having one’s basic needs for shelter, sustenance and companionship met in a simple but fulfilling way is the true path to feeling wealthy.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

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