Get Paid Quotes
In the words of the philosopher Sceptum, the founder of my profession: am I going to get paid for this? Quote

“In the words of the philosopher Sceptum, the founder of my profession: am I going to get paid for this?” — Terry Pratchett


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paid handsomely; I insist on it, and I pay people who work for me, or with me, handsomely Quote

“I agree with Balzac and 19th-century writers, black and white, who say, ‘I write for money.’ Yes, I think everybody should be paid handsomely; I insist on it, and I pay people who work for me, or with me, handsomely” — Maya Angelou


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paparazzi get paid fortunes. That's what motivates people; it's about the money, sadly, at anyone's expense Quote

“The difference now is that the paparazzi get paid fortunes. That’s what motivates people; it’s about the money, sadly, at anyone’s expense” — David Cassidy


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People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up Quote

“People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up” — Ogden Nash


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richest people in the world paid more taxes? They would still be the richest people and we will gradually eliminate poverty Quote

“You know what would happen if the richest people in the world paid more taxes? They would still be the richest people and we will gradually eliminate poverty” — Mohamad Safa


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richest people in the world paid more taxes? They would still be the richest people and we will gradually eliminate poverty Quote

“You know what would happen if the richest people in the world paid more taxes? They would still be the richest people and we will gradually eliminate poverty” — Mohamad Safa


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Work to me has become kind of a hobby. I was a part of something that gave me financial independence and the rent is paid Quote

Work to me has become kind of a hobby. I was a part of something that gave me financial independence and the rent is paid. Now it’s just about projects that turn me on” — Matt LeBlanc


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You feel like at the end of the day, you might as well get paid for this shit Quote

“You feel like at the end of the day, you might as well get paid for this shit” — Rihanna


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I admit I'm being paid well, but it's no more than I deserve. After all, I've been screwed more times than a hooker Quote

“I admit I’m being paid well, but it’s no more than I deserve. After all, I’ve been screwed more times than a hooker” — Sean Connery


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If it all ended tomorrow - and it could - I'd just be terribly grateful. I've been fortunate enough to do what I love and get paid for it Quote

“If it all ended tomorrow – and it could – I’d just be terribly grateful. I’ve been fortunate enough to do what I love and get paid for it” — Barbara Windsor


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I've already got my rent paid, and it's too late in my life for me to go around talking up stuff that I don't like or believe in Quote

“I’ve already got my rent paid, and it’s too late in my life for me to go around talking up stuff that I don’t like or believe in” — Wilford Brimley


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Trader Joe’s is for overeducated and underpaid people, for all the classical musicians, museum curators, journalists Quote

“Trader Joe’s is for overeducated and underpaid people, for all the classical musicians, museum curators, journalists” — Joe Coulombe


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If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid I'd put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade. I'd buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be Quote

“If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid I’d put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade. I’d buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be And I’d find some people who wanted a home and give it to them free” — Joyce Kilmer


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Woman has been the great unpaid laborer of the world Quote

“Woman has been the great unpaid laborer of the world” — Elizabeth Cady Stanton


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Everyone knows we get paid a lot of money, so why pretend otherwise? Quote

“Everyone knows we get paid a lot of money, so why pretend otherwise?” — Catherine Zeta-Jones


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We still are not paid equally. And if you believe that it's a myth, do the math. Unequal pay hurts women. It hurts their families. And it hurts us all. You and I have to continue fighting for equal pay for equal work. I get up each day with that on my mind, because I need to make a difference Quote

“We still are not paid equally. And if you believe that it’s a myth, do the math. Unequal pay hurts women. It hurts their families. And it hurts us all. You and I have to continue fighting for equal pay for equal work. I get up each day with that on my mind, because I need to make a difference” — Lilly Ledbetter


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We gained a great deal of prestige, but not much money. We liked to work so much we couldn't hide it and the club owners paid us accordingly Quote

“We gained a great deal of prestige, but not much money. We liked to work so much we couldn’t hide it and the club owners paid us accordingly” — Judy Holliday


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When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That's the story of my private life Quote

“When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That’s the story of my private life” — Gloria Swanson


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If I had been playing for money I would have complained a long time ago that I was underpaid Quote

“If I had been playing for money I would have complained a long time ago that I was underpaid” — Michael Jordan


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If I had been playing for money I would have complained a long time ago that I was underpaid Quote

“If I had been playing for money I would have complained a long time ago that I was underpaid” — Michael Jordan


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Poverty is a career for lot's of well-paid people Quote

“Poverty is a career for lot’s of well-paid people” — Ronald Reagan


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People poor because they are paid a pittance quickly sucked off by predators Quote

“Why are people poor? Because they are uneducated? No, because (1) they are paid so little for their work and (2) the pittance they are paid is quickly sucked off by landlords, credit companies, the medical industry and other predators” — Barbara Ehrenreich


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The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does Quote

“The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does” — Napoleon Hill


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I get paid for what most kids get punished for Quote

“I get paid for what most kids get punished for” — Jerry Lewis


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I get paid for what most kids get punished for Quote

“I get paid for what most kids get punished for” — Jerry Lewis


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One week he is being paid by [banking] industry, the next he is supposed to regulate them dispassionately? Quote

“One week he is being paid by [banking] industry, the next he is supposed to regulate them dispassionately?” — Jeff Hauser


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There is all the different in the world between paying and being paid Quote

“There is all the different in the world between paying and being paid” — Herman Melville


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We sold our Congress to big money interests years ago. There is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker. Nobody. Nobody represents them, yet somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald's in Washington Quote

“We sold our Congress to big money interests years ago. There is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker. Nobody. Nobody represents them, yet somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald’s in Washington” — Leo Hindery Jr.


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In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later Quote

“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later” — Harold Green


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Do you know what 'Paid for by' really means? It means a billion dollars in the last election. Our government is filled with people who have been PAID FOR Quote

“Do you know what ‘Paid for by’ really means? It means a billion dollars in the last election. Our government is filled with people who have been PAID FOR” — Jason Alexander


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People who take pains never to do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do Quote

“People who take pains never to do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do” — Elbert Hubbard


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Lawyers claim that their clients have been grossly mistreated, which is what criminal defense lawyers are paid to do Quote

“Lawyers claim that their clients have been grossly mistreated, which is what criminal defense lawyers are paid to do” — Ken Starr


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Money dignifies what is frivolous if unpaid for Quote

“Money dignifies what is frivolous if unpaid for” — Virginia Woolf


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banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, the principle of spending money to be paid by name of funding Quote

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale” — Thomas Jefferson


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if no regard were paid to honour and money! I believe it would be a remedy for everything Quote

“How friendly all men would be one with another, if no regard were paid to honour and money! I believe it would be a remedy for everything” — Saint Teresa of Avila


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