Lilly Ledbetter: Women Paid Equally

Posted by admin on Monday, August 26, 2019

Lilly Ledbetter Money Quote saying gender pay equality is something that hurts everyone and she works toward equal pay constantly. Lilly Ledbetter said:
We still are not paid equally. And if you believe that it's a myth, do the math. Unequal pay hurts women. It hurts their families. And it hurts us all. You and I have to continue fighting for equal pay for equal work. I get up each day with that on my mind, because I need to make a difference Quote

“We still are not paid equally. And if you believe that it’s a myth, do the math. Unequal pay hurts women. It hurts their families. And it hurts us all. You and I have to continue fighting for equal pay for equal work. I get up each day with that on my mind, because I need to make a difference” — Lilly Ledbetter


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In this quote, Lilly Ledbetter is passionately advocating for closing the gender pay gap and achieving equal pay for equal work between men and women. She disputes the notion that unequal pay is a “myth” by urging people to objectively examine the data and statistics. Ledbetter notes that gender-based wage discrimination negatively impacts not just women but their families as well since family financial security is often interdependent.

She conveys that unequal pay is a societal problem, not just an individual women’s issue. Ledbetter also expresses her strong commitment and motivation to continue actively fighting for fair compensation through both legal and social reform efforts. The quote reflects Ledbetter’s firm conviction that gender pay equality remains an unresolved problem requiring ongoing activism and progress to right an economic injustice that persists in shortchanging women and their livelihoods.

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