Leo Hindery: Low-Paid Workers Lobby

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 11, 2016

Leo Hindery Jr. Money Quotation saying business and industry have lobbyists in Washington – low-paid workers have nobody working for their interests. Leo Hindery Jr. said:
We sold our Congress to big money interests years ago. There is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker. Nobody. Nobody represents them, yet somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald's in Washington Quote

“We sold our Congress to big money interests years ago. There is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker. Nobody. Nobody represents them, yet somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald’s in Washington” — Leo Hindery Jr.


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In this quote, Leo Hindery Jr. is criticizing how large corporations have come to wield disproportionate influence over policymaking in Congress compared to average workers. He directly states that Congress was “sold” to “big money interests” long ago, suggesting financial lobbying has corrupted the legislative process.

Hindery then laments that “there is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker” to counterbalance this corporate power. By contrasting how “somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald’s” but “nobody represents” low-wage laborers, Hindery is arguing the political system has become imbalanced and no longer adequately represents many everyday citizens due to the outsized voice granted to big business lobbyists.

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