Lord Byron: Immortality Lives Forever

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 15, 2011

Funny Money Quotes: There are both valued and dangerous heirs and here we have promises of bodyguard and protector of life and limb. Lord Byron said:
The way to be immortal (I mean not to die at all) is to have me for your heir. I recommend you to put me in your will and you will see that (as long as I live at least) you will never even catch cold Quote

“The way to be immortal (I mean not to die at all) is to have me for your heir. I recommend you to put me in your will and you will see that (as long as I live at least) you will never even catch cold” — Lord Byron


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In this quote, Lord Byron is making a humorous comment about inheritance and immortality. He is jokingly suggesting that if someone makes him their heir in their will, as long as he is alive they will be symbolically “immortal” through being remembered in his legacy.

Even though they have passed away, a part of them will live on through him inheriting their estate. It seems he is using exaggeration for comedic effect, saying that with him as heir one would be so preoccupied with ensuring their legacy lives on through him that they wouldn’t have time to get sick. He is poking fun at the idea of seeking immortality through one’s heirs and legacy.

Birthday: January 22, 1788 – Death: April 19, 1824

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