Economist Quotes
- The page contains a collection of money quotes by economists on various topics related to economics
- Some of the economists quoted include Esther Duflo, Paul McCracken, Clive Granger, Carl Linnaeus, George Bernard Shaw, and James Surowiecki
- The quotes touch on topics like the stock market, nature’s economy, the usefulness of economists, taxation, and measuring economic performance
- John Maynard Keynes, a famous 20th century economist, has the most quotes attributed to him on the page
- The quotes provide insights into different economists’ views on money, investment, capitalism, taxation, and the love of money
- At the bottom is a search box to find other money or economics related quotes
“I don’t go to the beach. There is no value in going to the beach. If I did go I would probably read economics books” — Esther Duflo

“I am not an Economist. I am an honest man!” — Paul McCracken

“The stock market is like a small row boat on a rough sea, bouncing around as it drifts, whereas the macro economy is like a large ocean liner, very ponderous and difficult to maneuver but without such a rough journey” — Clive Granger

“Nature’s economy shall be the base for our own, for it is immutable, but ours is secondary. An economist without knowledge of nature is therefore like a physicist without knowledge of mathematics” — Carl Linnaeus

“If all the economists were laid end to end, they’d never reach a conclusion” — George Bernard Shaw

“Behavioral economists have shown that a sizable percentage of people are willing to pay real money to punish people who are taking from a common pot but not contributing to it. Just to insure that shirkers get what they deserve, we are prepared to make ourselves poorer” — James Surowiecki

“Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man’s lifetime income – which he then spends sending his son to college” — Bill Vaughn

“It has been estimated by statisticians and economists that the war (WWI) yielded $16 Trillion in Profits. That is how the 21,000 Billionaires and millionaires got that way. This $16 Trillion in Profits is not to be sneezed at. It is quite a tidy sum” — Smedley D Butler

“GDP is not a good measure of economic performance; it’s not a good measure of well-being” — Joseph Stiglitz, Economist
![The law does permit it - [Large Corporations] use their lobbyists to make sure that the law gives them the scope to avoid taxes Quote](
“The law does permit it – [Large Corporations] use their lobbyists to make sure that the law gives them the scope to avoid taxes. So this argument ‘Oh, we’re only doing what the law allows’ is disingenuous” — Joseph Stiglitz

“Their lobby helped create this law that allows them to escape taxes, pushing the burden of taxation on ordinary Americans” — Joseph Stiglitz

“As an economist I believe that good things are worth paying for; and that even if curing children’s poverty were expensive, it would be hard to think of a better use in the world for money. If society cares about children, it should be willing to spend money on them” — Robert Solow

“The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters” — Jean-Paul Kauffmann

“In economics, the majority is always wrong” — John Kenneth Galbraith

“In a globalized world, if there is any pocket of secrecy, funds will flow through that pocket” — Joseph Stiglitz

“This tax bill making its way through Congress is so far below the basest norms of legislative conduct, to call it an unprecedented abomination is being generous. Low polling. Dire warnings from economists” — Dan Rather

“I’m not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good” — Rupert Murdoch
“When you regulate it so you couldn’t engage in money laundering, there will be no demand for Bitcoin” — Economist Joseph Stiglitz
“Economics was the only profession where a person could be considered an expert without having once been right” — George Meany

“An economist’s guess is liable to be as good as anybody else’s” — Will Rogers

“Everyone, except an economist, knows what ‘money’ means, and even an economist can describe it in the course of a chapter or so” — A.H. Quiggin

“Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist” — Kenneth E. Boulding

“An economist is a man who knows a hundred ways of making love but doesn’t know any women” — Art Buchwald

“It is better that a man should tyrannize over his bank balance than over his fellow citizens” — John Maynard Keynes

“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward” — John Maynard Keynes

“Most men love money and security more, and creation and construction less, as they get older” — John Maynard Keynes

“The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future” — John Maynard Keynes

“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency” — John Maynard Keynes

“There is nothing so disastrous as a rational investment policy in an irrational world” — John Maynard Keynes

“Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men with the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all” — John Maynard Keynes

“The moral problem of our age is concerned with the love of money” — John Maynard Keynes