Bill Vaughn: College Costs Parents Extra

Posted by admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Bill Vaughn Funny Money Quote saying college may help you to begin earning more, but may not put more money in your pocket -though it could put more in your children’s pockets – if they don’t have kids themselves. Bill Vaughn said:
Economists report college education adds lifetime income, spends sending son to college Quote

Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man’s lifetime income – which he then spends sending his son to college” — Bill Vaughn


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In this quote, Bill Vaughn is poking fun at the way economists analyze the value of education. When economists say that a college education can add thousands to one’s lifetime income, Vaughn jokes that this extra income is then spent by the individual on sending his own son to college.

So while economists point to financial benefits, Vaughn suggests the money may just go towards continuing the cycle of education for future generations. His quote lightheartedly questions or critiques the simple monetary perspective economists take by implying the monetary “returns” are put right back into more education.

Birthday: October 8, 1915 – Death: February 25, 1977


#NationalHigherEducationDay #HigherEducationDay June 6


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