Rupert Murdoch: Good Economists

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rupert Murdoch Money Quote saying those who study economy and finance are less useful than weather forecasters. Rupert Murdoch said:
I'm not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good Quote

“I’m not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good” — Rupert Murdoch


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In this quote, Rupert Murdoch is making a joke at economists’ expense. He’s suggesting that economists, unlike weather forecasters, are often wrong in their predictions. Murdoch implies that economists don’t have a very good track record of accurately forecasting economic trends and outcomes.

His comment seems to be lightheartedly pointing out that economists are not always right and can be fallible in their analyses and projections, just like any other field of study. Overall, the quote appears to be tongue-in-cheek commentary on the imperfect nature and limitations of economics as a predictive science.

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