Anacreon: Enslaved by Love of Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Anacreon Money Quote saying someone who has a love of money above everything is cursed and brings war and death. Anacreon said:
Cursed be he above all others Who's enslaved by love of money. Money takes the place of brothers, Money takes the place of parents, Money brings us war and slaughter Quote

“Cursed be he above all others Who’s enslaved by love of money. Money takes the place of brothers, Money takes the place of parents, Money brings us war and slaughter” — Anacreon


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Anacreon was an ancient Greek lyric poet from the 6th century BC. In this quote, he warns about the dangers of being overly attached to money. He says that those who are “enslaved by love of money” are cursed. Their pursuit of wealth will cause them to value money over close relationships like brothers and parents.

Anacreon also believed that the love of money could lead to conflict and violence, saying that it “brings us war and slaughter.” Overall, this quote expresses the idea that placing too much importance on financial gain can be morally corrupting and damaging to relationships and society.

Birthday: c. 575 – Death: c. 495 BC

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