Wallet Quotes
- The page contains a collection of money quotes related to wallets
- Quotes discuss topics like the importance of money, how money affects relationships and respect, and the future of digital wallets
- One quote suggests putting together a list of trusted people after winning the lottery to deal with people asking for money
- Another quote says the power of your voice is related to the size of your wallet in Washington D.C.
- A quote by Robin Williams jokes that divorce means ripping a man’s genitals out through his wallet
- The quotes can be shared on social media and there is a search box to find other money-related quotes
“So money doesn’t matter once you get down to it. It doesn’t matter how thin or thick anyone’s wallet is. We all hurt. We all love. We’re the same” — Elle Kennedy

“The way to a woman’s heart is through your wallet” — Frank Dane

“You are not your job, you’re not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet” — Chuck Palahniuk

“Who you are is not determined by what you wear, the money in your wallet, nor how you look. Who you are is simply determined by who or what you follow. If you follow money you will only seek after such, giving your all for it” — Mary Kate

“We’ve got to make sure that justices are ruling on behalf of the constitution – not on behalf of their friends or their wallets” — Elizabeth Warren

“Before you can transform your wallet from poor to rich, you’ve got to transform your spirit from poor to rich” — Robert Kiyosaki

“I hate that I had to pull out my wallet and buy respect” — Becca Ritchie

“Why is it that so many people think all the answers are in their wallet?” — Stephen King

“After you win the lottery, one of the first things to do is put together a list of people you trust and make one of them a buffer — someone who will deal with those who come out of the woodwork, because you now have a target on your wallet” — Mike Rhoades

“The future of money and your phone will coincide… the mobile wallet will become a reality” – Raman Bhatia

“In D.C., the power of your voice is proportional to the size of your wallet” — Ben Cohen
“To the average company, a customer is a human wallet from which the company attempts to extract as much money as possible” — Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner

“It seems to be a law of American life that whatever enriches us anywhere except in the wallet inevitably becomes uneconomic” — Russell Baker

“My doctor grabbed me by the wallet and said ‘Cough!'” — Henny Youngman

“The best way to put more money in people’s wallets is to leave it there in the first place” — Edwin Feulner

“I suspect that in fact our wallets exceed our will, but in any event this concern for the drain on our resources completely misses the other side of the equation: Inaction has its costs too” — Robert Solow

“Bitcoin, generally, is a great idea. Keeping wallets on smartphones is the worst idea of the decade” — John McAfee

“When people ask me if I have any spare change, I tell them I have it at home in my spare wallet” — Nick Arnette

“When you’ve got them by their wallets, their hearts and minds will follow” — Fern Naito
“Ah, yes, divorce … from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet” — Robin Williams

A father is someone who carries pictures in his wallet where his money used to be – Unknown