Stephen Colbert: Trump on Hush Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Stephen Colbert Money Quote saying we pay tribute to our most revered leaders by putting them on currency. Donald Trump perfectly represents ‘Hush Money’ after paying pornstars and nude models to keep quiet about their affairs with him. Stephen Colbert said:
The greatest presidents are honored, they end up on our currency. Donald Trump could end up on our hush money Quote
“The greatest presidents are honored, they end up on our currency. Donald Trump could end up on our hush money” — Stephen Colbert

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Stephen Colbert is making a joke at Donald Trump’s expense. He’s referring to the fact that some of the greatest U.S. presidents, such as Washington, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, have had their portraits featured on American currency like dollar bills and coins.

However, Colbert suggests that given the allegations of hush money payments made during Trump’s presidency to cover up affairs, it would be more fitting for Trump’s image to end up on that kind of “currency” – a humorous way of saying the only place Trump deserves to be featured is on bills related to secret payoffs rather than legitimate banknotes.

The best interpretation is that Colbert is comically implying Trump is not deserving of true presidential honors due to the scandals surrounding him.

money paid so that someone will keep information secret : money that a person pays someone to hush something up Quote
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