Douglas Coupland: Anger Time Per Hour
on Saturday, August 12, 2017Douglas Coupland Money Quote saying worrying about finances makes you think about time including hours, years and finally the end of it all. Douglas Coupland said:
“Worrying about money is anger-inducing because it makes you think about time: how many dollars per hour, how much salary per year, how many years until retirement” — Douglas Coupland
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In this quote, Douglas Coupland is explaining why worrying about finances can be so emotionally distressing and angering. He notes that thinking about money inevitably leads one to consider time – how much one earns per hour of work, how much salary is earned in a year, and how many years are left until retirement. Viewing money through the lens of time spent working makes the constraints of limited hours and years especially salient.
Coupland suggests this type of calculation forces awareness of the non-renewable nature of time, which then induces stress and anger at how much time is spent toiling to earn money. The key message is that financial concerns are troubling because they highlight our mortality and the irreplaceable time we have, which contributes to feelings of frustration.