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Leroy Hood: Healthcare Dollars

Posted by admin on Monday, January 15, 2024

Meaning of Leroy Hood Money Quote: saying The most healthcare dollars are spent on keeping those with chronic disease alive. Leroy Hood said:

More than 86 percent of total healthcare dollars are spent on chronic disease in the United States, where $1 out of every $5 spent is on healthcare Quote

“More than 86 percent of total healthcare dollars are spent on chronic disease in the United States, where $1 out of every $5 spent is on healthcare. That’s $4 trillion” — Leroy Hood


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In this quote, Leroy Hood is providing some statistics about healthcare spending in the United States. He states that more than 86% of total healthcare dollars spent in the US go towards chronic diseases.

He also notes that out of every $5 spent in the US, $1 of that is spent on healthcare. And together, those healthcare costs related to chronic diseases total $4 trillion.

So in summary, Hood is highlighting how an enormous portion of US healthcare spending – the majority of it – goes towards treating chronic diseases, demonstrating the huge financial impact and burden that chronic conditions place on the healthcare system.


Matthew Perry: Dollars Cost Me

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Meaning of Matthew Perry Money Quote: saying he spent many thousands of dollars on his emotional therapy due to personal choices. Matthew Perry said:

hundreds of thousands of dollars that particular choice cost me in therapy? May I get that back, please? Quote

“The hundreds of thousands of dollars that particular choice cost me in therapy? May I get that back, please?” — Matthew Perry


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“This quote is from the episode “The One with the Proposal” (Season 6, Episode 24) of Friends, and it is spoken by Chandler Bing, played by Matthew Perry. The quote is a humorous way of expressing Chandler’s regret over his past relationships and the money he spent on therapy to deal with them.”


Birthday in Williamstown, Massachusetts, on Aug. 19, 1969 Matthew Perry has died at the age of 54. His death was confirmed by Capt. Scot Williams of the Los Angeles Police Department’s robbery-homicide division. Perry’s death certificate has been released by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, and it states that he died at 4:17 p.m. on October 28, 2023, at his Pacific Palisades home.


His stepfather, “Dateline” journalist Keith Morrison, was listed as the person who provided details for his death certificate. Perry was found unresponsive before first responders arrived at the home. He was laid to rest on November 3, 2023, in a service attended by relatives and castmates from the Nineties sitcom.

Birthday: August 19, 1969 – Death: October 28, 2023

Chris Rock: Bullets Cost $5000

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 24, 2023

Meaning of Chris Rock Money Quote: saying that if everyone had to pay an exorbitant cost for ammunition – there would be less random shootings. Chris Rock said:
bullets should cost five thousand dollars per bullet innocent bystanders Quote

“I think all bullets should cost five thousand dollars… five thousand dollars per bullet… You know why? Cause if a bullet cost five thousand dollars there would be no more innocent bystanders” — Chris Rock


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In this quote, Chris Rock is suggesting that significantly increasing the cost of bullets/ammunition could help reduce accidental shootings and gun deaths of innocent people.

By claiming bullets would cost $5,000 each, Rock argues that people would be more careful about firing guns if the financial consequences were so high. With expensive bullets, shooters may take more care to avoid firing carelessly in situations where innocent bystanders could be hurt.

So in essence, Rock’s view is that imposing an extremely high price on each bullet could disincentivize reckless gun use and help protect innocent lives since shooters would want to avoid wasting expensive ammunition on non-intended targets.

Ayn Rand: Money Ceases Means

Posted by admin on Monday, October 10, 2022

Meaning of Ayn Rand Money Quote: saying we need to accept that without money, we must deal with human emotions instead. Ayn Rand said:
Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction Quote

“Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns–or dollars. Take your choice–there is no other” — Ayn Rand


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In this quote, Rand is emphasizing the importance of money and free market exchange according to her objectivist philosophy. She argues that without money as a medium of trade, people will resort to more primitive and coercive means of interaction like “blood, whips and guns” to obtain what they want or need.

When money is the “root of all good” and the means by which people voluntarily deal with one another, exchanging value for value through prices and wages, individuals remain free and sovereign over their own lives.

But if this monetary system breaks down and money ceases to function as a means of trade, people can become “tools” or slaves to the will of others who control resources and goods. So Rand viewed a free market economy governed by monetary exchange as the surest way to preserve individual liberty and autonomy according to her philosophy.

Birthday: February 2, 1905 – Death: March 6, 1982

Idowu Koyenikan: Work Harder

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Meaning of idowu Koyenikan Money Quote: saying You should put equivalent effort into the work as the payday is worth. idowu Koyenikan said:
make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars Quote

“When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars” — idowu koyenikan


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In this quote, Idowu Koyenikan seems to be emphasizing the importance of focusing one’s efforts on opportunities or endeavors that have significant potential rather than getting stuck expending excessive energy on low-yield options. Some key points:

  • He notes that if something can only realistically generate $5 at most no matter how hard you work, there is little incentive or benefit to overexerting oneself.
  • Koyenikan implies it is better to dedicate one’s time and labor to avenues or skills that are capable of producing substantially larger returns through scaling or leverage, proportionate to the effort invested.
  • The quote conveys the idea that workers and entrepreneurs should seek opportunities aligned with their abilities that allow results to grow exponentially rather than linearly, so that greater productivity is matched with greater rewards.

Overall, Koyenikan appears to be advising against pouring extensive effort into prospects with artificially limited ceilings, as no amount of additional work will alter their constrained potential outcomes. It is wiser to direct one’s energy into pursuits designed for outsized growth and impact rather than low-yield options with hard caps on returns.

Elias Rodriquez: Fining the Poor

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Meaning of Elias Rodriquez Money Quote: saying most local government fund services with taxes, but when that fails, cities fine the poorest citizens instead. Elias Rodriquez said:
tax dollars city governments, Americans are now funding  by fining the poor instead of taxing the rich Quote

“In the absence of the tax dollars city governments rely on, Americans are now funding themselves by fining the poor instead of taxing the rich” — Elias Rodriquez


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In this quote, Elias Rodriquez seems to be criticizing how some local governments have resorted to disproportionately fining lower-income citizens as a revenue generation tactic. Some key points:

  • Rodriquez notes that without sufficient tax dollars, cities are now “funding themselves” through excessive fines and fees rather than equitable taxation.
  • He states they are “fining the poor instead of taxing the rich” – implying the burden is unfairly falling on those least able to pay rather than a balanced approach.
  • The quote suggests fining poor communities generates income in a regressive way, whereas a well-designed tax system could distribute obligations more fairly based on means.

Overall, Rodriquez appears to be denouncing what he views as a predatory shift toward disproportionately penalizing poorer residents through fines as a replacement for dwindling tax bases, rather than seeking balanced funding sources across economic classes through well-structured taxation according to generally accepted principles of equity and fairness.

Zig Ziglar: Buy Money Belt

Posted by admin on Friday, September 2, 2022

Meaning of Zig Ziglar Money Quote: saying even when down to the last two dollars, a money belt is a good investment. Zig Ziglar said:
take my last two dollars and buy a money belt Quote

“Most people consider me an optimist because I laughingly state that I would take my last two dollars and buy a money belt” — Zig Ziglar


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In this quote, Zig Ziglar seems to be conveying his optimistic mindset around money and resourcefulness even in the face of lack or scarcity. Some key points:

  • He acknowledges that with only his “last two dollars”, most would see that as a desperate situation requiring frugality.
  • However, Ziglar humorously says that even then, he would use that small sum to purchase a “money belt” rather than just basic necessities.
  • This suggests he maintains a spirit of entrepreneurship, finding opportunity even with little, and a belief that what one carries can be turned into more through initiative, salesmanship and hustle.
  • Ziglar’s quote portrays him as someone who sees glass half full rather than empty, retaining hopefulness and a solution-oriented mindset regardless of outward conditions through a determined, optimistic lens.

Overall, Ziglar appears to be conveying his philosophy of maintaining a positive attitude and belief in one’s ability to turn meager resources into greater returns through applied effort, vision and grit rather than focusing on limitations. His humor also suggests this outlook brings him joy and energy even in the face of lack according to this perspective.

Birthday: November 6, 1926 – Death: November 28, 2012

Bill Russell: Pay For Work

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 31, 2022

Meaning of Bill Russell Money Quote: saying work harder than you believe you time is worth. Bill Russell said:
If a guy pays you five dollars, you give him seven dollars worth of work Quote

“If a guy pays you five dollars, you give him seven dollars worth of work” — Bill Russell


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In this quote, Bill Russell seems to be emphasizing the importance of going above and beyond what is expected or required in one’s work. Some key points:

  • Russell states that if someone pays you an amount like five dollars, you should put in work equivalent to seven dollars worth of value.
  • This implies he believes workers should strive to be highly productive and provide more value than what they are compensated, not just meeting minimum standards.
  • The quote conveys Russell’s perspective that excellence, effort and maximizing one’s contributions are important, not just doing enough to get by or what is minimally paid for.

Overall, Russell appears to be promoting a philosophy of outperforming expectations through diligent work ethic and exceeding what payment amounts reflect in order to find greater success according to this view that equates high achievement and rewards with giving more than what is asked or paid for through one’s efforts and productivity.

Birthday: February 12, 1934 – Death: July 31, 2022

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