Posts Tagged ‘salary’

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Sunday Adelaja: Salary A Mortgage

Posted by admin on Monday, October 16, 2023

Sunday Adelaja said: to work for a salary from an employer is the same as mortgaging your life to them.

To work for salary is to mortgage your life Quote

“To work for salary is to mortgage your life” — Sunday Adelaja


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This quote from Sunday Adelaja suggests that working solely for a fixed wage or salary paid by an employer amounts to essentially “mortgaging” or leveraging one’s life and time. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Adelaja portrays being reliant on a salary as trading away personal freedom and autonomy over how one’s hours are spent for the security of regular pay.
  • He implies this sacrifices independence and leaves one beholden to others’ demands in order to earn a living.
  • However, salaried work also provides stability for many and is a necessity regardless of philosophical views on independence.
  • Reasonable people can disagree on these complex issues, as both employment and entrepreneurship each have pros and cons depending on individual circumstances.

Overall, while reflecting Adelaja’s viewpoint promoting self-employment, a balanced interpretation acknowledges both his perspective and that reasonable observers recognize the value in a diversity of valid work arrangements according to personal situations and stage of life. The quote captures one stance in ongoing debates around optimizing career fulfillment and work-life balance in modern economies.

Naval Ravikant: Heroin Salary

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 14, 2023

Meaning of Naval Ravikant Money Quote: saying addiction to opioids is compared the danger of being paid a regular salary. Naval Ravikant said:
The most dangerous things are heroin and a monthly salary Quote

“The most dangerous things are heroin and a monthly salary” — Naval Ravikant


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In this quote, Naval Ravikant seems to be suggesting that a steady monthly salary poses its own risks or dangers comparable to that of heroin in some ways. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Ravikant implies that reliable wage income can foster complacency in the same manner drug addiction provides escape, diminishing self-reliance and initiative over time.
  • He portrays salaried work as enabling a form of dependence on others’ schedules and priorities rather than one’s own drive and ventures.
  • However, employment also offers stability for many according to their preferences and circumstances at different stages of life.
  • Reasonable people disagree on these complex issues, as both employment and entrepreneurship each suit varying temperaments and situations.

Overall, while reflecting Ravikant’s promotion of independence, a balanced interpretation acknowledges both his viewpoint and diversity of valid perspectives, as neither view is universally applicable and individuals prioritize fulfillment differently according to their unique paths and priorities. The quote captures one perspective in ongoing debates around optimizing career satisfaction and work-life balance.

Betty Smith: The Usual Salary

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 14, 2023

Meaning of Betty Smith Money Quote: saying payment of normal salary is usually more than a company thinks their worth. Betty Smith said:

The usual salary. A little more than they think I'm worth and a little less than I think I'm worth Quote

“The usual salary. A little more than they think I’m worth and a little less than I think I’m worth” — Betty Smith


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This quote from Betty Smith suggests that most salaries fall within a range where the employer values the employee’s work somewhat less than the employee values their own contributions. Some key points in interpreting her perspective:

  • Smith portrays salaries as typically landing at a negotiated compromise between the worker’s self-assessed worth and the company’s estimated worth of that role.
  • She implies salaries neither fully satisfy the employee’s expectations nor fully meet the employer’s own economic assessment of a position’s market value.
  • However, compensation negotiations are complex with many valid factors involved beyond any single person’s subjective views.
  • Reasonable people can disagree on appropriate pay scales for different jobs and industries.

Overall, the quote reflects Smith’s observation that salaries tend to bridge differing perspectives of a job’s worth, but a balanced interpretation acknowledges compensation is determined by reasonable debates around fair rates for labor between employers and employees, with no definitive consensus and room for good-faith counterarguments on both sides.

Birthday: December 15, 1896 – Death: January 17, 1972

Mokokoma Mokhonoana: Salary Tax

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 3, 2023

Meaning of Mokokoma Mokhonoana Money Quote: saying A Paycheck is as good as a tax for employers to put employees dreams on hold. Mokokoma Mokhonoana said:

A salary is a tax employers pay, every four weeks, for putting an employee’s dream on hold Quote

“A salary is a tax employers pay, every four weeks, for putting an employee’s dream on hold” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana


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This quote suggests that when someone works for a salary rather than pursuing their own dreams or ambitions, the salary can be seen as compensation paid by employers to employees for delaying or postponing their personal goals and aspirations.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana seems to be pointing out that working a regular job solely for a paycheck every month means that an individual’s true desires and vision are being put “on hold” for the sake of financial stability or security provided by the salary.

In this view, the salary functions as a kind of tax paid by employers as the price of occupying an employee’s time and delaying their ability to fully self-direct their lives according to their own interests and plans.

Dan Price: Effective Tax Rate

Posted by admin on Friday, December 3, 2021

Dan Price Money Quote saying Elon Musk net worth is over $300 Billion Dollars and pays an effective tax rate of less than 5% No Salary would earn that much in a lifetime. Dan Price said:
If your salary was $1 million a year and you never spent any of it you would reach his current $302B net worth 302,000 years from now. Elon Musk pays an effective tax rate of 3.3% Quote

“Elon Musk just became the first person in the history of civilization to be worth $300 billion. If your salary was $1 million a year and you never spent any of it you would reach his current $302B net worth 302,000 years from now. He pays an effective tax rate of 3.3%” — Dan Price


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In this quote, Dan Price is providing context around Elon Musk’s massive $302 billion net worth by comparing it to more relatable salary and time scales. His key points are:

  • Elon Musk is the first person ever worth over $300 billion
  • To accumulate the same wealth as Musk’s current net worth, even earning $1 million per year and never spending anything, it would take over 302,000 years
  • This highlights just how enormous a sum $300 billion is and how difficult it is for ordinary people to comprehend
  • He also notes Musk pays an effective tax rate of only 3.3% on this wealth, which Price seems to imply is unfairly low given Musk’s unprecedented level of earnings and accumulation of assets

Overall, Price is attempting to put Musk’s extraordinary wealth and success into more tangible perspective for average readers by comparing it to lifetime salary earnings and timescales that provide greater context of its scale and implications.

Alex Rodriguez: The Highest Salary

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Alex Rodriguez Money Quote saying it’s necessary to be a true player and not just the best paid to be great at baseball. Alex Rodriguez said:
There are a lot of components to that (other) than just saying it is the highest salary Quote

“It still comes down to sound baseball decisions, farm systems and then execution on the field by the players. There are a lot of components to that (other) than just saying it is the highest salary” — Alex Rodriguez


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In this quote, Alex Rodriguez is pushing back against the idea that money alone determines success in baseball. While high payrolls give teams advantages, he argues that other factors like strong player development systems, smart management decisions, and players performing up to their potential on the field are just as important, if not more so.

Rodriguez implies that teams cannot simply buy championships by having the highest salaries. They must also draft and cultivate talent from their farm systems, make wise coaching and roster choices, and get top-level production from the players once they reach the major leagues.

In short, A-Rod believes that sound strategy and execution throughout an organization are just as vital as financial resources in achieving sustained success in MLB.

Upton Sinclair: His Salary Depends

Posted by admin on Monday, June 8, 2020

Upton Sinclair Money Quote saying that if someone is paid to have specific beliefs, then they are unlikely to change their understanding. Upton Sinclair said:
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it Quote

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it” — Upton Sinclair


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Upton Sinclair seems to be suggesting that it can be challenging to convince someone of an idea or perspective that may contradict their financial interests or career goals. His quote implies that if a person’s livelihood depends on maintaining a particular viewpoint, they may resist understanding alternative explanations, even if they are factually correct or make logical sense, due to self-preservation instincts.

Sinclair appears to be acknowledging that financial self-interest can undermine objectivity and open-mindedness, as people may cling to beliefs that protect their salary or professional standing regardless of evidence.

His statement recognizes how economic motivations can unintentionally bias comprehension and hinder accepting facts that do not align with one’s monetary well-being.

Birthday: June 21, 1880 – Death: April 16, 1941

Abigail Disney: Jesus Christ Salary

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Abigail Disney Money Quote saying there is no one, not even Jesus Christ, who is worth 500 times the average employee’s rate of pay. Abigail Disney said:
If your CEO salary is at the 700, 600, 500 times your median workers’ pay, there is nobody on Earth, Jesus Christ himself isn’t worth 500 times his median workers’ pay Quote

“If your CEO salary is at the 700, 600, 500 times your median workers’ pay, there is nobody on Earth, Jesus Christ himself isn’t worth 500 times his median workers’ pay” — Abigail Disney


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In this quote, Abigail Disney is criticizing the growing gap between CEO salaries and typical worker pay in companies. She argues that no person could possibly provide enough additional value to a company to justify making 500 times as much as the median employee.

By invoking “Jesus Christ” as someone who wouldn’t be worth that kind of pay disparity, Disney is making the point that exorbitant CEO salaries have become unjustified and disproportionate to the contributions of average workers.

Her view is that CEOs are being vastly overcompensated relative to the rest of the workforce, and no leader deserves to earn hundreds of times more than the regular employees whose labor generates the profits.

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