Archive for the ‘frugality’ Category
Frugality Quote Collection by experts in personal finance both past and present. Rich people offering excellent tips to save money.
Justin Bieber: $100 Million Broke
on Friday, March 1, 2024Meaning of Justin Bieber Money Quote: saying $100 bucks or $100 Billion means that spending too fast means you’ll go broke faster. Justin Bieber said:
“I learned if you have $100 or $100 million – if you spend more than you have, you’re going to go broke” — Justin Bieber
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In this quote, Justin Bieber seems to be sharing a financial lesson he learned – that overspending beyond one’s means, regardless of income level, can lead to insolvency if not managed carefully. Specifically, he notes that whether someone has $100 or $100 million, if expenditures are not kept in line with resources, it may result in going “broke.”
Bieber appears to be emphasizing that extravagant spending without discipline can potentially deplete even huge fortunes if expenses are allowed to balloon unchecked. His point is that proper budgeting and avoiding overextension that relies on future income is important for financial stability, even for very high earners. The quote conveys Bieber’s perspective that wealth does not guarantee security if not managed prudently through proportional spending aligned with one’s actual resources.
Yuval Harari: Frugality Oppression
on Thursday, January 11, 2024Meaning of Yuval Noah Harari Money Quote: saying Consumerism rules over frugal people to have them buying before resisting spending. Yuval Noah Harari said:
“Consumerism has worked very hard, with the help of popular psychology (‘Just do it’), to convince people that indulgence is good for you, whereas frugality is self-oppression” — Yuval Noah Harari
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In this quote, Yuval Noah Harari is criticizing consumerism and how it promotes indulgence and excess spending.
He argues that consumerism, with the help of slogans like “Just do it”, tries to convince people that constantly buying and indulging themselves is good for their well-being.
However, Harari believes that frugality and not giving in to every desire or impulse is actually healthier both mentally and financially.
The quote suggests that consumerism paints frugality in a negative light, as a form of “self-oppression”, but Harari disagrees with this view and believes indulgence should not be encouraged so strongly.
Amy Dacyczyn: Expense of Others
on Saturday, January 7, 2023Meaning of Amy Dacyczyn Money Quote: saying saving money should never come at the expense of someone else. Amy Dacyczyn said:
“The relationship between ethics and thrift can be summed up in one sentence. It is wrong to save money at the expense of others. Period” — Amy Dacyczyn
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This quote by Amy Dacyczyn seems to be emphasizing that practicing thrift or saving money is not ethical if it directly harms or disadvantages others. Some key points:
- She states it bluntly – “It is wrong to save money at the expense of others.”
- No exceptions or caveats are given – it is simply “wrong,” according to Dacyczyn.
- The quote implies that being frugal, minimizing costs or increasing profits is not acceptable if it comes at the cost of negatively impacting or exploiting other people.
- True thrift involves balancing financial prudence with moral responsibility to ensure savings or profits are not gained through unjust means that disadvantage stakeholders like workers or communities.
Overall, Dacyczyn appears to be conveying that ethics should take precedence over financial considerations. While saving is good, it should not come at the cost of harming or violating the basic rights and interests of other individuals or groups for the benefit of oneself or businesses.
Slash: Not Ridiculously Wealthy
on Friday, August 12, 2022Meaning of Slash Money Quote: saying when you aren’t fabulously rich, it can pay to be frugal. Slash said:
“I’m not ridiculously wealthy, but I don’t squander money either” — Slash
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In this quote, Slash seems to be conveying that while he has achieved financial success through his career in music, he does not consider himself extraordinarily wealthy. Some key points:
- He states that he is “not ridiculously wealthy” which implies he is comfortably well-off but not on a stratospheric level of riches.
- However, Slash also says that he does “not squander money either” – meaning he does not frivolously spend or waste what he has earned.
- This suggests Slash practices moderation in his spending and maintains prudent financial habits rather than indulging in excess, despite having the means.
Overall, the quote portrays Slash’s perspective that he enjoys financial security without being ostentatious about it through wasteful spending. His self-assessment is that he has achieved prosperity without recklessness, maintaining a balanced approach to money management even after a lucrative career according to this reflection.
Robert Schumann: Spendthrift Ways
on Tuesday, July 26, 2022Robert Schumann Money Quote saying he’s frugal and resolves to demonstrate it, but then gives great tips in spite of it. Robert Schumann said:
“My indifference to money and my spendthrift ways are disgraceful. You have no idea how reckless I am; how often I practically throw money out of the window. I am always making good resolutions, but the next minute I forget and give the waiter eightpence” — Robert Schumann
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In this quote, Robert Schumann seems to be acknowledging his lack of financial discipline and tendency to frivolously spend money without much thought or restraint. Some key points:
- He directly calls his “indifference to money and spendthrift ways” disgraceful, showing self-awareness of these faults.
- Schumann conveys just how “reckless” he is with funds, saying he often metaphorically “throws money out of the window” on impulse through careless tips or purchases.
- He mentions making “good resolutions” to curb this behavior but then immediately “forgetting” and indulging in lavish gratuities, suggesting an inability to follow through on intentions to tighten his budget.
Overall, the quote portrays Schumann’s perspective that he struggled with profligate tendencies, impulsively parting with money without consideration for his long-term security or needs due to a lack of prudence, moderation or self-control when it came to his finances according to his frank self-assessment of these spendthrift habits and behaviors.
Birthday:June 8 , 1810 – Death: July 29, 1856
Armand Salacrou: Economy Spend
on Thursday, June 2, 2022Armand Salacrou Money Quote saying that being frugal is a way to buy stuff without enjoying spending the money. Armand Salacrou said:
“Economy is a way of spending money without getting any pleasure out of it” — Armand Salacrou
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In this quote, Armand Salacrou seems to be characterizing “economy” or frugality in a critical manner. Some key points:
- He defines economy as “a way of spending money without getting any pleasure out of it.”
- This implies that being economical and cost-conscious involves parting with funds but not truly enjoying or deriving satisfaction from the expenditures.
- Salacrou portrays economizing as an unenjoyable act of disbursing cash without any accompanying enjoyment, fulfillment or gratification from the spending.
Overall, the quote conveys Salacrou’s perspective that practicing economy involves dutifully allocating funds without any accompanying sense of happiness, excitement or reward from the outlays themselves. His definition challenges the notion that frugality can or should be its own reward, instead characterizing it as a joyless necessity according to this critique of a lifestyle focused primarily on minimizing costs above all other priorities or satisfactions.
Birthday: August 9, 1899 – Death: November 23, 1989
George Bernard Shaw: Weekly £
on Friday, April 22, 2022George Bernard Shaw Money Quote saying it’s better to have your head on straight on very little money, than distorted views with big money. George Bernard Shaw said:
“Better see rightly on a pound a week than squint on a million” — George Bernard Shaw
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George Bernard Shaw was saying that it is better to have a clear and accurate understanding of the world even if you have little money, rather than having distorted or biased views just because you have a lot of money.
He felt that having a lot of money could cause people to lose objectivity and see things inaccurately.
Shaw valued having the truth and seeing reality clearly over having wealth if it meant losing perspective. His quote suggests that intellectual and moral integrity are more important than financial gain.
Birthday: July 26, 1856 – Death: November 2, 1950
Charles Spurgeon: Economy Spend
on Wednesday, April 6, 2022Money Quote saying frugality proves it’s easier to spend money poorly than to spend wisely. Charles Spurgeon said:
“Economy is half the battle in life, but it is not so hard to earn money as to spend it well. Hundreds would never have known want if they had not first known waste” — Charles Spurgeon
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In this quote, Charles Spurgeon is emphasizing the importance of responsible spending and avoiding waste. The best interpretation is:
- Spurgeon argues that economizing and managing money well is just as important as earning it, as it determines whether one lives comfortably or struggles.
- He notes it is often easier to make money than it is to avoid squandering it on unnecessary or frivolous items. Prudent spending requires discipline.
- Spurgeon suggests many people who experienced hardship could have avoided want/poverty if they had not first indulged in wasteful spending that depleted their resources.
Overall, the quote conveys Spurgeon’s view that earning money is only half the challenge – proper budgeting and avoiding excess are also crucial to financial well-being over the long-term. Careful spending can be just as vital as increasing one’s income.
Birthday: June 19, 1834 – Death: January 31, 1892