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Betty White: Retire Retirement

Posted by admin on Friday, December 31, 2021

Betty White Money Quote saying that although it is not a curse to retire, it won’t happen as long as work is available. Betty White said:
Retirement is not a dirty word, I am just enjoying what I am doing. If they want me to retire, then stop asking me. Ask and I will say yes Quote

Retirement is not a dirty word, I am just enjoying what I am doing. If they want me to retire, then stop asking me. Ask and I will say yes unless it is something I really don’t like” — Betty White


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In this quote, Betty White seems to be expressing her openness to continuing her career for as long as she remains passionate and energized by her work in the entertainment industry. Specifically:

  • White states that while “retirement” may be daunting for some, she does not view it negatively (“is not a dirty word”) and would accept it if the circumstances were right.
  • However, she emphasizes that for now she is fully engaged and takes great joy (“enjoying”) in her current professional activities.
  • White implies that if people stop persistently asking her when she’ll retire, she has no plans to stop unless a particular project “really doesn’t” appeal to her creatively.

The best interpretation is that White is conveying her willingness to keep working as long as she’s thriving professionally and creatively stimulated by her projects. But she also leaves the door open to retirement if the right opportunity or circumstances presented themselves according to her terms. The quote reflects White’s pragmatic approach to her career later in life.

Birthday: January 17, 1922 – Death: December 31, 2021

Betty White: Retirement Vocabulary

Posted by admin on Friday, December 31, 2021

Betty White Money Quote saying that retiring is not the way she wants to go out – work is continuous. Betty White said:
Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren't going to get rid of me that way Quote

Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren’t going to get rid of me that way” — Betty White


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In this quote, Betty White seems to be expressing her openness to continuing her career for as long as she remains passionate and energized by her work in the entertainment industry. Specifically:

  • White states that while “retirement” may be daunting for some, she does not view it negatively (“is not a dirty word”) and would accept it if the circumstances were right.
  • However, she emphasizes that for now she is fully engaged and takes great joy (“enjoying”) in her current professional activities.
  • White implies that if people stop persistently asking her when she’ll retire, she has no plans to stop unless a particular project “really doesn’t” appeal to her creatively.

The best interpretation is that White is conveying her willingness to keep working as long as she’s thriving professionally and creatively stimulated by her projects. But she also leaves the door open to retirement if the right opportunity or circumstances presented themselves according to her terms. The quote reflects White’s pragmatic approach to her career later in life.

Birthday: January 17, 1922 – Death: December 31, 2021

Richie Norton: Retire Nest Egg

Posted by admin on Thursday, December 30, 2021

Richie Norton Money Quote saying there’s a difference between saving money and putting off dreamed of experiences. Richie Norton said:
People confuse saving money with postponing dreams. Somehow, we’ve been lulled into thinking our dreams are kept safe inside our retirement nest egg Quote

“People confuse saving money with postponing dreams. Somehow, we’ve been lulled into thinking our dreams are kept safe inside our retirement nest egg and we must sit there on top to keep it warm” — Richie Norton


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Yes, that quote is from Richie Norton. The quote suggests that some people focus too much on saving money for retirement and postponing their dreams until later in life. However, by waiting until retirement to pursue dreams, those dreams may never get realized if a person passes away or becomes unable to enjoy retirement.

The quote encourages people to pursue their dreams now rather than assuming they have plenty of time after retirement to enjoy what they’ve saved. An important message about making the most of the present and not delaying life dreams unnecessarily.

Dave Ramsey: Retirement Crisis

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Ramsey Money Quote saying retirees need to prepare for their post-work lives and finance industry must make it work better. Dave Ramsey said:
We have a retirement crisis in America today nor from a lack of money, but from a lack of vision Quote

“We have a retirement crisis in America today nor from a lack of money, but from a lack of vision” — Dave Ramsey


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The best interpretation of this Dave Ramsey quote is that he believes the retirement crisis in America stems not from people lacking funds to retire, but rather from a lack of planning and foresight about retirement.

By saying the crisis comes from a “lack of vision” rather than a “lack of money,” Ramsey is suggesting that many Americans fail to adequately envision and prepare for their retirement financially over the long-term through savings and investment strategies.

His quote implies that with proper retirement planning and visioning how to fund one’s later years, the crisis could be avoided even without more money necessarily. Overall, Ramsey appears to be arguing that the root cause is a lack of retirement planning and vision rather than solely a lack of resources.

Sunday Adelaja: Rich Don’t Retire

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sunday Adelaja Money Quote saying the richest don’t work for money, they work for passion and don’t retire, but work until they die. Sunday Adelaja said:
Rich people do not work for money, they devote themselves to the work they love and do not wait for a well-deserved rest or retirement, but keep working passionately until the end of their lives Quote

Rich people do not work for money, they devote themselves to the work they love and do not wait for a well-deserved rest or retirement, but keep working passionately until the end of their lives” — Sunday Adelaja


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In this quote, Sunday Adelaja seems to be contrasting the motivations of wealthy people with those of average workers. The best interpretation is:

  • Adelaja states that truly rich individuals do not work primarily “for money” as the goal in itself. Their wealth allows financial security.
  • Instead, he suggests the affluent devote themselves fully to “the work they love” purely for passion/fulfillment reasons rather than paychecks.
  • Adelaja also notes the rich do not look forward to retiring and resting as the endpoint, but remain vigorously engaged in their interests/careers “until the end of their lives.”

Overall, the quote conveys Adelaja’s perspective that financial prosperity enables the wealthy to pursue their deepest motivations through work purely for enjoyment and meaning, without the dependence on compensation or retirement plans that shape most people’s career mindsets according to his view of differing motivational drivers.

George Choy: Systemize Retirement

Posted by admin on Monday, November 15, 2021

George Choy Money Quote saying systemizing retirement obviates being financially free without needing to work. George Choy said:
Retirement Systemisation: the whole point of being financially free is that you don’t actually need to do any work Quote

“Retirement Systemisation: the whole point of being financially free is that you don’t actually need to do any work” — George Choy


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In this quote, George Choy seems to be summarizing the goal behind diligently saving and planning for retirement. Specifically:

  • Choy refers to achieving “financial freedom” or independence through establishing a robust “Retirement Systemisation” or retirement planning system.
  • He notes that the entire purpose of securing one’s finances is that it enables one to freely choose whether or not to “actually need to do any work” for income once retired.
  • Choy implies that carefully saving enables retirees to retire fully from employment if they wish, since their savings can sufficiently support themselves without ongoing earnings.

The best interpretation is that Choy believes a sound retirement strategy is meant to provide the option of complete leisure by removing any obligation to continue working purely for money according to one’s preferences late in life. From his perspective, financial preparation maximizes retired life choices post-career.

Jonathan Clements: Vacation Vegas

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 13, 2021

Jonathan Clements Money Quote saying to retire is comparable to vacationing in Vegas for as long as you can afford it. Jonathan Clements said:
Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money Quote

“Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money” — Jonathan Clements


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In this quote, Jonathan Clements seems to be drawing a comparison between retirement and an extended vacation experience like one might have in Las Vegas. Specifically, he suggests that:

  • Retirement offers a similar opportunity to fully enjoy oneself and one’s time without the constraints of work, similar to an leisure-focused trip.
  • However, Clements cautions that just like in Vegas where it’s easy to overindulge and overspend and run out of a vacation budget, retirees must avoid enjoying retirement so lavishly that they deplete their retirement savings prematurely.

The best interpretation is that Clements’ view is retirement should be a period of fun and relaxation, but also requires financial prudence to make the enjoyment last as long as possible, just as balancing enjoyment and budget is key to maximizing a Vegas getaway. His quote conveys retirement as a “long vacation” experience that similarly demands moderation to sustain its benefits for as long as one’s funds allow according to one’s planning and means.

Rand Bennett: Retire Successful

Posted by admin on Friday, November 12, 2021

Rand Bennett Money Quote saying what makes retiring possible is resources enough to stop working, do what you love rather than what you must do. Rand Bennett said:
retirement takes place when you no longer need to work for money. Rather, the work you do is motivated by higher-level goals and purposes, not income generation Quote

Successful retirement takes place when you no longer need to work for money. Rather, the work you do is motivated by higher-level goals and purposes, not income generation” — Rand Bennett


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This quote from Rand Bennett suggests that true retirement occurs when a person no longer works primarily or solely for the purpose of earning money and income. Rather than being motivated by financial needs, one’s work in retirement is driven by loftier goals, values or purposes that provide meaning beyond monetary gain.

The quote implies that retirement involves a shift away from income-focused labor toward activities motivated by personal fulfillment, service to others, passion projects or intellectual stimulation.

It serves as a reminder that retirement is not just the absence of a paycheck, but a stage of life defined by internal rewards rather than external compensation.

Successfully retiring means having the freedom to pursue work aligned with one’s higher priorities rather than economic necessities alone.

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