Senator Barbara Mikulski: Time Raising Hell

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), has served in Congress longer than any woman in history, as she announced her retirement best use of time. Barbara Mikulski said:

Barbara Mikulski Do I spend time raising money or time raising hell? quote

“Do I spend time raising money or time raising hell?” — Barbara Mikulski


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In this quote, Barbara Mikulski is contrasting two different ways that she could choose to spend her time as a politician. “Raising money” refers to the considerable time spent fundraising, calling donors, and attending fundraisers to finance campaigns and political operations.

Meanwhile, “raising hell” suggests using one’s time to advocate strongly for issues, rally supporters behind causes, and apply political pressure through protests, speeches and other forms of activism. Mikulski seems to be questioning whether her priority should be fundraising or using her platform to actively work to enact change.

The key message is that political time is limited and must be judiciously allocated between the financial and advocacy aspects of the job.


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