Posts Tagged ‘politics’
Next Page »Barack Obama: Corrosive Influence of Money in Politics
on Tuesday, January 10, 2017Barack Obama Money Quote saying during his farewell address in Chicago When faith in politicians is low we need to fight corruption in politics. Barack Obama said:
“When trust in our institutions is low, we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be arguing that when public trust in institutions is low, it is important to take steps to increase transparency and ethical conduct in government. Specifically:
- He refers to “our institutions”, likely meaning political and governmental bodies, and notes that trust in them is low.
- Obama suggests one way to help restore trust is to “reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics”. This appears to refer to limiting the role of money, especially large political donations, in the political process.
- He also calls for “insisting on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service”. This implies a need for more openness about political dealings and spending, as well as stronger ethical guidelines for elected officials and civil servants.
Overall, the quote conveys Obama’s view that rebuilding trust requires measures to curb the influence of money in politics through greater transparency and adherence to high ethical standards for those in power or seeking it. Such reforms could help address corruption and promote integrity, he seems to argue.
Mitt Romney: Clintons Are Crony Capitalism
on Sunday, March 6, 2016Mitt Romney in a politics attack speech March 3 otherwise aimed at stopping Donald Trump, turned on Hillary Clinton to accuse her of political corruption. Mitt Romney said:
“For the last three decades, the Clintons have lived at the intersection of money and politics, trading their political influence to enrich their personal finances. They embody the term ‘crony capitalism'” — Mitt Romney
The quote “For the last three decades, the Clintons have lived at the intersection of money and politics” is significant because it suggests that the Clintons have been involved in a form of corruption known as “crony capitalism,” where political influence is used to enrich personal finances.
This is an accusation made by Mitt Romney in a political attack speech. It’s important to note that this is a subjective statement and not a proven fact.
Barack Obama: Slow Money in Politics
on Wednesday, January 13, 2016Barack Obama Money Quotation saying corrupting influence of money in politics allows a few rich families to buy elections. Barack Obama said:
“We have to reduce the influence of money in our politics, so that a handful of families and hidden interests can’t bankroll our elections — and if our existing approach to campaign finance can’t pass muster in the courts, we need to work together to find a real solution” — Barack Obama
In this quote, Barack Obama is advocating for campaign finance reform in the United States political system. He argues that the “influence of money in our politics” needs to be reduced, since currently a small number of wealthy families and special interests are able to heavily fund elections through large political donations.
Obama acknowledges that the existing rules have been challenged in courts and may not be legally sufficient. So he calls for politicians and citizens to work collaboratively on finding “a real solution” through new approaches, likely referring to alternatives that could pass constitutional muster.
The overall message conveys Obama’s view that campaign financing presents a challenge for democracy and that concerted action is needed to curb the outsized sway that large financial contributions give to a small donor class over the political process.
Alan Simpson: Money is THE Problem
on Wednesday, December 23, 2015Former Republican U.S. Senator from Wyoming Alan Simpson Money Quotation saying that money dominating politics is at the heart of all other problems. Alan Simpson said:
“Money’s dominance over politics isn’t merely one problem of many our country faces. It is the problem! It is a growing crisis that prevents us from tackling anything else” — Alan Simpson
In this quote, Alan Simpson strongly asserts that the disproportionate influence of money in politics has become the single most important problem facing the United States. He argues that the “dominance” of wealthy special interests and large donations over the political process is not merely one issue among many, but rather the foundational issue that underlies and prevents progress on other policy challenges.
Simpson suggests that as long as vast sums of cash are able to skew policymaking outcomes, it will be extremely difficult for lawmakers to properly address concerns like economic opportunity, infrastructure, healthcare, climate change and other national priorities.
His words convey a sense of urgency, describing the role of money in politics not just as a problem but as a “growing crisis” that is hampering the government’s ability to tackle the country’s most pressing issues.
Mark McKinnon: Just Burn That Money
on Saturday, December 12, 2015Mark McKinnon, former adviser to President George W. Bush in a politics Money Quote saying presidential campaign ads are not having a significant impact in voter polls and the money spent is almost entirely wasted. Mark McKinnon said:
“There’s just very little return on media dollars anymore in politics because people just don’t believe political advertising. They’re just demanding authenticity and something that they think is real, and they know that advertising is not real. So those are – you might as well just burn that money. It’d be a better investment” — Mark McKinnon
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In this quote, Mark McKinnon is suggesting that political advertising is no longer an effective use of campaign funds because people are skeptical of such ads and see through their messaging. He argues that voters now demand authenticity and transparency from politicians, and they recognize that paid political ads are inherently inauthentic and crafted to manipulate rather than inform.
As such, McKinnon believes money spent on political advertising yields very little return and would be better off not spent at all. His view is that campaigns should focus less on advertising and more on promoting their candidates and messages in genuine, credible ways that don’t involve paid media if they want to appeal to and influence today’s voters.
Elizabeth Warren: Trickle-down Politics
on Wednesday, November 18, 2015Senator Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying trickle-down theory was intended to enrich the wealthy further and attack the middle-class via politics. Elizabeth Warren said:
“Trickle-down was nothing more than the politics of helping the rich-and-powerful get richer and more powerful, and it cut the legs out from under America’s middle class” — Elizabeth Warren
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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing “trickle-down economics” policies that aim to stimulate the economy by giving tax breaks and other financial benefits primarily to large corporations and the wealthy. She argues that rather than helping the broader economy or middle class, such policies have mainly benefited the rich and powerful by making them richer and more powerful.
Warren asserts that trickle-down economics has significantly weakened the middle class in America by reducing support and opportunities for ordinary working families and individuals. The quote portrays Warren’s view that trickle-down was a failed approach that primarily served elite interests rather than strengthening the overall economy from the middle-out as its proponents claimed it would.
Joe Biden: Politics Damn Expensive
on Monday, November 2, 2015Joe Biden Politics Money Quotation saying in 1974 he was worried about the cost of elections for candidates without public campaign funding. Joe Biden said:
“Politics is a damn expensive business. I had one hell of a time trying to raise money as a candidate. I had to put a second mortgage on our house to get that campaign started, and I ended up spending over $300,000 to get elected” — Joe Biden
In this quote, Joe Biden is reflecting on the high costs associated with running for political office. He notes that politics requires a significant amount of money, sharing that he had to take out a second mortgage on his house in order to help fund his initial campaign.
Biden also states that he ultimately spent over $300,000 of his own money to get elected. Through this quote, Biden is emphasizing just how expensive participating in the political process as a candidate can be, having to spend large personal sums and take on debt to mount a competitive campaign.
He appears to be acknowledging the financial challenges and sacrifices involved in seeking and holding public office.
Jim Hansen: Global Warming Versus Politics
on Tuesday, October 27, 2015Jim Hansen Money Quotation saying finding a solution to man-made climate change: Money in Politics is blocking meaningful effort toward change. Jim Hansen said:
“I believe the biggest obstacle to solving global warming is the role of money in politics” — Jim Hansen
In this quote, climate scientist Jim Hansen is identifying what he sees as the primary barrier preventing more meaningful action on climate change. By “the role of money in politics,” Hansen seems to be referring to the large political donations and lobbying influence wielded by fossil fuel companies and other corporate interests tied to carbon-intensive industries.
His view is that these financial resources have allowed such groups to undermine climate policies and delay regulatory steps that may impact their profits. Hansen’s implication is that the political power derived from significant campaign spending and lobbying has made elected officials more responsive to these economic interests than to the scientific reality of human-caused global warming.
He suggests the influence of “money in politics” has been the biggest obstacle to overcoming political inertia and implementing bolder climate change solutions.
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