Whitney Houston: Drug Receipts

Posted by admin on Friday, August 9, 2019

Whitney Houston Money Quote saying in response to a question from Diane Sawyer that she didn’t spend huge amounts of money on drugs and alcohol. Whitney Houston said:
I want to see the receipts. From the drug dealer that I bought 30,000 worth of drugs from. I want to see the receipts Quote

“No. I wish that was making that money off of me, you could share it with me. No, no way. I want to see the receipts. From the drug dealer that I bought $730,000 worth of drugs from. I want to see the receipts.” — Whitney Houston


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Whitney Houston is expressing frustration and regret with her past drug use in this quote. She is saying that if the drug dealers who sold her $730,000 worth of drugs over time had shared some of the money they made off of her addiction with her, she may have been less likely to continue using.

However, she realizes demanding to see receipts from drug dealers to prove how much they profited is not a realistic request. Overall, it seems she is acknowledging the financial and personal toll her drug addiction took, and wishing things had gone differently.

Birthday: August 9, 1963 – Death: February 11, 2012

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