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Marie Cornelio: Joy Can’t Be Bought

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Meaning of Marie Cornelio Money Quote: saying joy can’t be bought, just as happiness is not something you cannot buy. Marie Cornelio said:

True joy cannot be bought with money or found in lavish things. It's a feeling deep within the heart Quote

“True joy cannot be bought with money or found in lavish things. It’s a feeling deep within the heart” — Marie Cornelio


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Marie Cornelio seems to be saying that genuine joy or happiness cannot be purchased or found in expensive material possessions and luxuries alone. True joy is an internal feeling that comes from deeper within one’s heart or soul, rather than from external wealth or lavish spending.

While money and possessions may bring temporary pleasure or satisfaction, they cannot provide lasting joy or fulfillment. According to Cornelio, the richest source of joy is an inner contentment and appreciation for life that is not dependent on wealth or lavish things.

Paul Laurence Dunbar: But Interest!

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 9, 2023

Meaning of Paul Laurence Dunbar Money Quote: saying It didn’t cost much, the loan was minor, but Oh Lord! that interest!. Paul Laurence Dunbar said:
Slight was the thing I bought,  Small was the debt I thought,  Poor was the loan at best —  God! but the interest! Quote

“Slight was the thing I bought, Small was the debt I thought, Poor was the loan at best — God! but the interest!” — Paul Laurence Dunbar


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Paul Laurence Dunbar seems to be using a financial metaphor to convey a deeper meaning in this quote. Some possible interpretations:

  • He took out a small loan (“slight was the thing I bought”) but underestimated the true cost (“small was the debt I thought”). The interest accumulated over time and grew much larger than expected (“God! but the interest”). This could refer to how even small transgressions or mistakes have unforeseen consequences.
  • It refers to how initial or minor indulgences or vices grow into larger problems over time, as the “interest” compounds. What starts as a small act balloons in significance.
  • On a spiritual level, it suggests that small sins or deviations from righteousness accumulate and multiply until they become overwhelming. The true cost is greater than anticipated.

Overall, the quote uses the metaphor of debt and interest to represent how small choices have unintended downstream effects that end up being much larger than we realize or “borrow” at the outset. The meaning depends on whether taken literally or applied metaphorically.

Birthday: June 27, 1872 – Death: February 9, 1906

John Ruskin: Pay Too Much

Posted by admin on Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Meaning of John Ruskin Money Quote: saying bad idea to waste money by overpaying for anything. John Ruskin said:
When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything Quote

“It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do” — John Ruskin


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John Ruskin is saying that it is better to pay a reasonable amount for something rather than too little. While paying too much means you lose a small amount of money, paying too little could potentially cost you much more. If you pay too little, there is a risk that the thing you purchased may not actually be able to do what you need it to do.

So Ruskin is advising that it is wiser to pay a fair price that allows the item to fulfill its purpose, rather than skimping on cost and finding out too late that it is incapable or inadequate for the task. In other words, he is saying not to prioritize saving a small amount up front at the risk of much greater losses down the road.

Birthday: February 8, 1819 – Death: January 20, 1900

Mitch Hedberg: Transaction Receipt

Posted by admin on Friday, November 11, 2022

Meaning of Mitch Hedberg Money Quote: saying there is no reason to issue receipts for inconsequential items we needn’t prove we bought. Mitch Hedberg said:
receipt for a doughnut. I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut. End of transaction!

“I don’t need a receipt for a doughnut. I’ll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut. End of transaction! We don’t need to bring ink and paper into this! I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d have to prove that I bought a doughnut. Some skeptical friend…’Don’t even act like I didn’t buy that doughnut! I’ve got the documentation right here! Oh, wait, it’s back home, in the file. Under d…for doughnut.'” — Mitch Hedberg


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Mitch Hedberg is jokingly expressing annoyance at having to get a receipt for a small purchase like a doughnut. His point is that for such an inexpensive item, the transaction should simply be an exchange of money for the product, without needing to document it with a receipt. Hedberg finds the idea of receiving a receipt for a doughnut to be an unnecessary bureaucratic step.

He then imagines a hypothetical scenario where someone doubts he bought a doughnut, though he knows there would never realistically be a need to prove such a minor purchase. Overall, the quote is meant humorously highlighting how even small daily items can sometimes come with more paperwork than seems practical or logical.

Birthday: February 24, 1968 – Death: March 30, 2005

Chris O’Donnell: Spend My Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 26, 2021

Chris O’Donnell Money Quote saying that frugality has benefits and allow spending on a home where you prefer. Chris O’Donnell said:
what I spend my money on. I still don't have a new car, I drive my old car that I've had forever. But I bought a house in downtown Chicago Quote

“I think I’m pretty smart on what I spend my money on. I still don’t have a new car, I drive my old car that I’ve had forever. But I bought a house in downtown Chicago” — Chris O’Donnell


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In this quote, actor Chris O’Donnell is commenting on his approach to spending and investments. He suggests that while he chooses to spend judiciously in areas like transportation, owning a home in an urban area like downtown Chicago was a wise long-term financial decision for him.

The quote implies O’Donnell thinks strategically about expenditures that will appreciate over time versus depreciating assets. Overall, he seems to be conveying that diligently selecting expenditures that maintain or grow in value is a sign of fiscal responsibility, not the amount spent itself or preference for lavish displays of wealth. The message is one of prioritizing secure investments over flashy short-term purchases.

Liberace: Cry All the Way to Bank

Posted by admin on Sunday, May 16, 2021
    The page discusses quotes from entertainer Liberace about financial success despite criticism
  • Liberace said “I cried all the way to the bank” humorously to mean he was very profitable even if reviews were bad
  • He told his staff not to worry about bad reviews because they would still earn a lot of money
  • Liberace implied that something hurtful someone said didn’t impact him financially, as he still profited greatly
  • In one quote he joked that the bank he earned so much money from that he “cried to” for years, he ultimately bought the entire bank
  • Overall the quotes show Liberace conveyed that no matter obstacles, he always ended up extremely prosperous financially through his career success as an entertainer

Liberace Money Quote saying that poor reviews and insults lead to more income and bigger deposits, which softens the sting. Liberace said:
When the reviews are bad I tell my staff that they can join me as I cry all the way to the bank Quote

“When the reviews are bad I tell my staff that they can join me as I cry all the way to the bank


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What you said hurt me very much. I cried all the way to the bank Quote

“What you said hurt me very much. I cried all the way to the bank”


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You know the bank I used to cry all the way to? I bought it Quote

“You know the bank I used to cry all the way to? I bought it”


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In these three quotes, Liberace is using “crying all the way to the bank” as a humorous way to reference his great financial success, despite any criticism or hurtful comments.

In the first quote, he’s telling his staff that even if a performance receives bad reviews, they shouldn’t worry because they will still earn a lot of money.

The second quote suggests that while something someone said upset him, it didn’t impact him financially – he still profited greatly (“cried all the way to the bank”).

The third quote takes it to an even more exaggerated level – he’s implying the bank he earned so much money from that he “cried all the way to” for years, he ultimately made so much wealth that he was able to purchase the entire bank itself.

Overall, Liberace is using the phrase sarcastically and humorously to convey that no matter what obstacles come his way professionally or personally, he always ends up extremely prosperous financially through his career success as an entertainer. The bank represents the profits and wealth he accrued through his hard work.

Birthday: May 16, 1919 – Death: February 4, 1987


ABC: Someone Just Bought It

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 17, 2021

ABC Money Quote saying if we could see our futures, we’d know it wasn’t affordable but someone will buy it anyway. ABC said:
I've seen the future, I can't afford it Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it Quote

“I’ve seen the future, I can’t afford it Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it” — ABC


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These lyrics from the ABC song “The Look of Love” seem to be commenting on economic inequality and uncertainty. “I’ve seen the future, I can’t afford it” suggests the singer has glimpsed a promising vision of the future but realizes it is out of financial reach.

By asking “Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it”, they seem to be questioning someone in power about how the future they saw is now owned or controlled by another. The lyrics capture the feeling of seeing opportunities for a better future but understanding forces outside one’s control can determine who actually benefits from economic and technological changes.

Thomas Fuller: Buy Presents

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Thomas Fuller Money Quote saying any friend that accepts your gifts gladly will gladly be bought from under you. Thomas Fuller said:
A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you Quote

“A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you” — Thomas Fuller


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This Thomas Fuller quote is warning against trying to buy someone’s friendship with gifts or presents. Fuller is saying that if you attempt to gain a friend by giving them presents, there is a risk that the friend will view the relationship as transactional rather than genuine.

They may feel they can be “bought from you” later on – meaning they could be persuaded or influenced by another person who offers them something of value. The best interpretation is that true friendship cannot be bought, and trying to do so could undermine the relationship and make it less trustworthy.

Birthday: June 19, 1608 – Died: August 16, 1661

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