Posts Tagged ‘fannie hurst’

Fannie Hurst: Worth Because

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Fannie Hurst Money Quote saying people believe they are worth a lot just because they have money. Fannie Hurst said:
Some people think they are worth a lot of money just because they have it Quote

“Some people think they are worth a lot of money just because they have it” — Fannie Hurst


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In this quote, Fannie Hurst seems to be criticizing those who equate their self-worth or value as a person primarily with their level of wealth. Some key points:

  • She notes that some individuals believe they deserve a high monetary worth or are very important “just because they have” money.
  • This implies Hurst views wealth alone as an insufficient basis for deriving a sense of significance, and that true worth is defined by deeper qualities than surface-level financial means.
  • The quote conveys Hurst’s perspective that possessing riches does not inherently make one a better, more deserving, or more substantial individual, as money fails to reflect character, skills or contributions to society.

Overall, Hurst appears to be challenging the notion that accumulating wealth endows one with greater significance or that money alone validates a person. For her, true worth seems to lie in virtues, relationships and impacts – not in accumulated assets according to this critique of those who derive identity and importance primarily from their bank balances.

Birthday: October 18, 1889 – Death: February 23, 1968

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