Posts Tagged ‘carre otis’

Carre Otis: Money Modeling

Posted by admin on Friday, February 28, 2020

Carre Otis Money Quote saying that facing a choice between poverty and modeling, it was a clear choice. Carre Otis said:
I had dropped out of school and was a runaway, so I didn't have family to fall back on if I didn't work. I didn't have a lot of other options of making money other than modeling Quote

“I had dropped out of school and was a runaway, so I didn’t have family to fall back on if I didn’t work. I didn’t have a lot of other options of making money other than modeling” — Carre Otis


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In this quote, Carre Otis seems to be conveying that her entry into modeling as a teenager was driven more by necessity than choice or passion for the profession. By stating that she had “dropped out of school” and was a “runaway” without family support, and noting she “didn’t have a lot of other options of making money,” Otis implies she pursued modeling more out of economic compulsion than personal ambition.

The quote conveys Otis’ perspective that as a young woman without alternatives, modeling provided one of her only means of supporting herself financially given her circumstances, rather than modeling being her ideal career path.

Overall, Otis appears to be suggesting she engaged in modeling work more due to lack of better opportunities to earn a living at the time, rather than modeling inherently being her calling or preference for work independently of practical constraints she faced as a runaway minor without a high school diploma or familial safety net.

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