Robert Klein: Selling on the SuperBowl

Posted by admin on Sunday, February 1, 2015

Robert Klein Money Quotation saying SuperBowl television wealthy advertisers are willing to pay a million dollars a minute (now $7 million 2024) to sell. Robert Klein said:
People are betting a million bucks a minute selling insurance, beer, car batteries, beer, automobiles, beer and beer Quote

“The Super Bowl. No one misses this game, Jack; not the big one; not if you’re an American. You are riveted every minute to this game. People are betting a million bucks a minute you are. Wealthy people selling insurance, beer, car batteries, beer, automobiles, beer, and beer” — Robert Klein


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In this quote, comedian Robert Klein seems to be satirizing the immense commercialism and consumerism surrounding the Super Bowl. By noting that “wealthy people” are selling all manner of products from “insurance, beer, car batteries, beer, automobiles, beer, and beer,” Klein is exaggerating for comedic effect just how heavily the Super Bowl has become associated with advertising and corporate sponsorship deals.

He also jokes that people are betting “a million bucks a minute” on the game, further playing up its popularity and money-making aspects. Overall, Klein appears to be using humor and repetition to poke fun at how the Super Bowl has evolved into not just a major sporting event but also a massive commercial extravaganza where companies vie for viewers’ attention through ads, promotions and sponsorships.

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