Mike Huckabee: Washington Like Strip Club
on Monday, November 16, 2015Mike Huckabee Money Quotation saying our nation’s capital is comparable to stripping and pole dancing for political donations. Mike Huckabee said:
“Washington is like a strip club. You’ve got people tossing dollars, and people doing the dance” — Mike Huckabee
In this quote, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is drawing a comparison between Washington D.C. politics and a strip club to criticize the influence of money in policymaking. His view seems to be that in Washington, wealthy donors and lobbyists (“people tossing dollars”) hold disproportionate sway over elected officials and the political process (“people doing the dance”).
Just as dancers in a strip club perform for tips, Huckabee implies politicians often cater to special interests and big donors to gain campaign funds. The quote suggests Huckabee believes this undermines democratic governance and that politicians should prioritize serving the public interest rather than feeling obligated to special interests due to financial contributions.
Overall, he appears to be decrying the corrupting influence of money in politics through this provocative metaphor.
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