Jarod Kintz: Central Bankers Nice Guys

Posted by admin on Monday, February 22, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quotation saying an army of nice guy bankers has done to everyone what no evil army in history has been able to achieve. Jarod Kintz said:
central bankers have done to the people what no army in history has been evil enough to do Quote

“Under the guise of being nice guys, the central bankers have done to the people what no army in history has been evil enough to do” — Jarod Kintz


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This quote seems to be criticizing central bankers and their monetary policies. Jarod Kintz appears to believe that through their control of currency and interest rates, central bankers have negatively impacted people in a way that is comparable to the harm done by historical armies, even though central bankers claim to have people’s best interests in mind.

The “best” interpretation could be debated, but Kintz seems to be arguing that central bankers have covertly caused significant economic hardship for many while presenting themselves as well-intentioned public servants.

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