Posts Tagged ‘jarod kintz’

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Jarod Kintz: The Bank Owns Me

Posted by admin on Friday, May 26, 2023

Meaning of Jarod Kintz Money Quote: saying not owning anything can be empowering, unless still owned by the bank. Jarod Kintz said:

I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me. Well, besides the bank Quote

“I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me. Well, besides the bank” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz is making a humorous observation about his lack of possessions and debt obligations. By saying “I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me,” he’s referring to how some people feel defined or constrained by what they accumulate, whereas he feels liberated by owning little.

However, he then acknowledges that while he may not be owned by possessions, he is still owned “by the bank” through any debts or loans he has outstanding.

So Kintz is jokingly pointing out that while lacking possessions allows freedom from being defined by material things, debt obligations still impose a form of ownership over him through financial institutions.

Overall, the quote is meant in a lighthearted way to poke fun at how debt can feel like it controls people even if they own very little otherwise.

Jarod Kintz: Save on Clothes, Be A Nudist

Posted by admin on Monday, March 7, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quote saying the best way to save money is not spending, fashion costs more than nudity – don’t buy clothing. Jarod Kintz said:
Clothes are expensive. Save money and become a nudist. Remember: Fashions may change, but naked is always in style Quote

“Clothes are expensive. Save money and become a nudist. Remember: Fashions may change, but naked is always in style” — Jarod Kintz


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In this humorous quote, Jarod Kintz is suggesting that clothing can be an expensive habit, and proposes an unconventional way to save money – by becoming a nudist.

Kintz jokes that rather than constantly needing to update wardrobes with changing fashions, nudism is a low-cost and eternally stylish option.

The quote wittily implies that being naked avoids spending on clothes altogether, while also pointing out that lacking clothes is a consistent look unaffected by shifting trends.

Overall, Jarod Kintz is making light of the financial costs of fashion through the tongue-in-cheek proposition that embracing nudism could be a frugal alternative.

Jarod Kintz: Quarterbacks in the Pocket

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quote saying football players can learn from any politician how best to play the money game. Jarod Kintz said:
Quarterbacks shouldn't leave the pocket, because that's where the money is - politician knows this Quote

“Quarterbacks shouldn’t leave the pocket, because that’s where the money is. Every politician knows this” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz is drawing a humorous analogy between quarterbacks in football and politicians. He’s saying that just as quarterbacks should stay in the protected “pocket” behind the offensive line where they are less at risk of being sacked, politicians know they should stay “in the pocket” of political stability and the status quo where their money/funding is safe.

The implication seems to be that taking risks by leaving the “pocket” could threaten a quarterback’s or politician’s career and livelihood in the same way getting sacked would impact a quarterback.

So Kintz is jokingly suggesting both quarterbacks and elected officials are incentivized by self-interest to avoid bold moves and remain within the comfortable but less dynamic confines of the familiar “pocket” from which their success is derived.

Jarod Kintz: Politicians Pockets of Wealth

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quote saying corruption in politics leads to wealth among politicians. Jarod Kintz said:
There are pockets of wealth in this country. Mostly those pockets are in the politicians’ pants Quote

“There are pockets of wealth in this country. Mostly those pockets are in the politicians’ pants” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz is once again drawing a humorous analogy, this time between pockets of wealth and politicians. When he says there are “pockets of wealth in this country,” he’s referring to concentrations of money and resources.

But then he jokes that most of these “pockets” are literally located “in the politicians’ pants.”

So Kintz is wryly suggesting that while certain areas or groups may be wealthier than others economically, the political class itself is where the true “pockets” or stores of wealth accumulate through their influence and connections.

Overall, this quote aims to lightly poke fun at how politicians often seem to personally benefit financially from their time in office through a variety of legal and sometimes questionable means.

Jarod Kintz: Central Bankers Nice Guys

Posted by admin on Monday, February 22, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quotation saying an army of nice guy bankers has done to everyone what no evil army in history has been able to achieve. Jarod Kintz said:
central bankers have done to the people what no army in history has been evil enough to do Quote

“Under the guise of being nice guys, the central bankers have done to the people what no army in history has been evil enough to do” — Jarod Kintz


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This quote seems to be criticizing central bankers and their monetary policies. Jarod Kintz appears to believe that through their control of currency and interest rates, central bankers have negatively impacted people in a way that is comparable to the harm done by historical armies, even though central bankers claim to have people’s best interests in mind.

The “best” interpretation could be debated, but Kintz seems to be arguing that central bankers have covertly caused significant economic hardship for many while presenting themselves as well-intentioned public servants.

Jarod Kintz: Currency of Kindness ATM

Posted by admin on Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quotation saying there are no Automated Teller Machines that dispense kindness because it is not accepted at gentlemen’s clubs. Jarod Kintz said:
My currency is kindness, and while there are no ATMs that dispense it, it’s also not accepted or recognized at strip clubs Quote

“My currency is kindness, and while there are no ATMs that dispense it, it’s also not accepted or recognized at strip clubs” — Jarod Kintz


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Taking the Jarod Kintz quote humorously by focusing on the mental image of someone attempting to use “kindness” as a literal currency, going to a strip club and trying to “pay” nude dancers with compliments, smiles or acts of service rather than dollars.

The quote plays with the notion of kindness as an unconventional alternative to money in a world where money is deeply ingrained as the standard medium of exchange.

By using kindness in certain contexts like strip clubs, the quote invites humor at flipping our expectations of what constitutes “currency”.

Jarod Kintz: Reward Money, Found Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 20, 2016

Jarod Kintz Money Quotation saying find a cash stash means a reward for turning it in for less than the total worth of that found – keep the money. Jarod Kintz said:
If I found money, I’d turn it in—for the reward. Unless the reward money was less than the value of the money I found, and obviously it would be, in which case I’d keep the money Quote

“If I found money, I’d turn it in—for the reward. Unless the reward money was less than the value of the money I found, and obviously it would be, in which case I’d keep the money” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz seems to be making a humorous commentary on human nature and incentives regarding found money. He claims that if he found money, his first instinct would be to turn it in to claim the reward.

However, he acknowledges that in reality, the reward for turning in found money is usually less than simply keeping the money.

So while his stated intention is to do the honest thing, his actual action would depend on weighing the financial incentive of claiming the reward versus keeping the larger sum.

Overall, the quote takes a lighthearted look at how self-interest and practical considerations often outweigh purely altruistic intentions when it comes to matters of money.

Jarod Kintz: Liberating to Be Broke

Posted by admin on Friday, September 18, 2015

Jarod Kintz Money Quotation saying it’s hard to earn steady income, so being broke is very freeing. Jarod Kintz said:
Jarod Kintz I work hard for my money. It feels very liberating to be broke quote

“I work hard for my money. It feels very liberating to be broke” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz seems to be making a tongue-in-cheek observation about the paradoxical feeling of being broke despite working hard.

While most people who work hard would want to accumulate wealth rather than feel broke, Kintz’s comment suggests that being broke can come with an unexpected sense of freedom or lack of responsibility that comes from not having much money.

It’s possible he’s pointing out the irony that the very money we work to earn can also become a source of stress or constraint if we become too attached to it.

Overall, the quote takes a lighthearted look at an unconventional perspective on the relationship between hard work, money and feelings of liberation.

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