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Anthony Robbins: Pay Loan Interest

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 14, 2023

Meaning of Anthony Robbins Money Quote: saying The secret to bankers making money is 100% interest charged on their loans. Tony Robbins said:

The secret to bankers making money is 100% interest charged on the loan Quote

“You want to know the banker’s secret? Your interest payments will tack on an additional 100% or more to your loan value” — Anthony Robbins


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In this quote, Anthony Robbins seems to be highlighting the significant financial costs that can accumulate from interest on loans, particularly for consumers. A few key points:

  • By referring to the “banker’s secret”, Robbins suggests high interest is quietly adding large hidden fees to loans that consumers may not fully realize.
  • He states emphatically that interest payments alone will increase the total repaid on a loan by “100% or more” of the original principal amount borrowed.
  • This implies half or more of what people ultimately pay back to lenders like banks is actually covering the cost of interest rather than the initial sum lent.

Overall, Robbins appears to be bringing attention to how expensive borrowing can be due to compounding interest costs over time. The quote aims to warn loan recipients about the substantial financial burden that interest payments add, according to his perspective on banking practices and consumer lending.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Cure Greed

Posted by admin on Friday, April 14, 2023

Meaning of Nassim Nicholas Taleb Money Quote: saying it’s naive to believe that experts in finance industry, of greed, banking & Economics. Nassim Nicholas Taleb said:
cure greed with money, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending Quote

“Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending” — Nassim Nicholas Taleb


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In this quote, Nassim Nicholas Taleb is criticizing the notion that complex societal problems can be solved simply by relying more on the factors that may have contributed to the issues in the first place.

When he says things like trying to cure “greed with money” or “banking with bankers”, Taleb suggests that directly addressing problems within their own domains without broader reform is misguided.

His view seems to be that complex challenges require fresh, outside-the-box thinking rather than doubling down on conventional or status quo approaches.

The quote conveys Taleb’s skepticism of those who naively believe further engaging the core elements of issues can provide straightforward cures, without recognizing the potential need for systemic changes or new perspectives to resolve deep-rooted problems.

Oscar Wilde: Bankers Artists Dinner

Posted by admin on Monday, February 6, 2023

Meaning of Oscar Wilde Money Quote: saying artists and bankers may have complimentary dinner conversations . Oscar Wilde said:

bankers get togdiscuss Art. When artists get together, they discuss Money Quote

“When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money” — Oscar Wilde


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In this quote, Oscar Wilde is commenting on the different interests and priorities of bankers versus artists when socializing. He suggests that bankers, in their social gatherings over dinner, tend to discuss and debate issues related to art and culture. In contrast, when artists get together for a meal, their conversations typically revolve around monetary matters.

Wilde seems to be implying that bankers are removed from the real artistic process and so discuss art theoretically, whereas artists are more grounded in the practical financial challenges of working in their field and therefore focus on how to make a living from their craft. The quote highlights the different perspectives and preoccupations of these two professional groups

Birthday: October 16, 1854 – Death: November 30, 1900

Greg Curtis: God Doesn’t Play Dice

Posted by admin on Monday, January 2, 2023

Meaning of Greg Curtis Money Quote: saying that god may has no interest in gambling, but that financiers appear to. Greg Curtis said:
God does not play dice, bankers do Quote

“God does not play dice, bankers do” — Greg Curtis


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In this quote, Greg Curtis is contrasting how God and bankers approach risk and uncertainty. By stating “God does not play dice, bankers do”, Curtis implies that God’s actions are pre-determined and part of a divine plan, while bankers must constantly gamble and take chances in their work.

The overall interpretation is that Curtis sees bankers as engaging in risky behavior for the sake of profit, unlike God who is all-knowing and in control. The message seems to be that banking involves uncertainty and speculation in a way that following God’s will does not, according to Curtis’s perspective.

Jack Welch: Central Banks Bankers

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 16, 2022

Jack Welch Money Quote saying the economy and markets see consumer confidence as well as central bankers offering money. Jack Welch said:
consumer confidence and it's got banks throwing - central bankers throwing money Quote

“I actually think that the economy has got some positives. It’s got the market. It’s got consumer confidence and it’s got banks throwing – I mean central bankers throwing money at it around the world” — Jack Welch


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In this quote, Jack Welch is expressing a cautiously optimistic view of the economy despite risks and uncertainties. His interpretation is that there are some favorable underlying fundamentals like strong consumer sentiment, functioning capital markets, and accommodative monetary policies globally that are providing economic stimulus through low interest rates and easy credit.

While Welch acknowledges issues exist, he seems to believe these positive factors, particularly the actions of central banks, are helping sustain growth even amid geopolitical tensions. The overall message suggests Welch felt the combination of market forces, consumer strength and widespread monetary easing were supporting continued expansion at that point in time, though he may have had reservations about overreliance on stimulus measures.

Birthday: November 19, 1935 – Death: March 1, 2020

Otto von Bismarck: Bankers Grabs

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 6, 2021

Otto von Bismarck Money Quote saying after Lincoln died, foreign bankers returned to valued markets and corruption grew. Otto von Bismarck said:
Foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilisation Quote

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilisation” — Otto von Bismarck


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Otto von Bismarck seems to be expressing regret over the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He argues that no American leader was capable of filling Lincoln’s shoes in safeguarding the nation’s interests.

Bismarck then criticizes foreign bankers for seizing on this power vacuum to “grab the riches” of America through their “craftiness and tortuous tricks.” He fears that these bankers will come to entirely control the vast wealth of the United States and systematically corrupt civilization by using that wealth in self-serving ways.

Overall, Bismarck portrays foreign bankers as opportunists who took advantage of Lincoln’s death to increase their influence over the American economy and asserts this could undermine moral standards on a broad scale.

Birthday: April 1, 1815 – Death: July 30, 1898

David Ignatius: Financial Incentives

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 26, 2021

David Ignatius Money Quote saying If bankers compensation was more closely tied to long-term performance, it would be like hedge fund managers pay. David Ignatius said:
If you want better behavior from bankers, their financial incentives like those in the hedge-fund world – where managers net worth is tied to their long-term performance Quote

“If you want better behavior from bankers, then make their financial incentives more like those in the hedge-fund world – where managers have ‘skin in the game,’ and their net worth is tied to their long-term performance” — David Ignatius


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In this quote, David Ignatius seems to be proposing that changing bankers’ compensation structures could help reduce risky or unethical behavior that damages the financial system and economy. Specifically:

  • Ignatius notes that hedge fund managers have “skin in the game” since a significant part of their own net worth is directly tied to the long-term success or failure of the funds they oversee.
  • In contrast, he implies that for many bankers, their personal financial fortunes are not as closely linked to the long-term health and sustainability of the banks they lead.
  • Ignatius appears to believe that designing banker pay to more closely mirror the “hedge-fund world” model, where executives have more on the line based on long-term performance, could incentivize conduct that considers broader impacts and is less focused on short-term gains.

The best interpretation is that Ignatius is arguing bankers would likely make wiser decisions and take fewer risks if compensation involved more deferred payouts contingent on sustained positive outcomes, since it would give them literal “skin in the game” and make their fortunes directly reliant on responsible stewardship of the financial institutions they oversee according to his perspective on reforming incentives to discourage conduct that endangers systemic stability.

Josiah Stamp: Pay Slavery Cost

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 7, 2020

Josiah Stamp Money Quote saying that banks enslave society by controlling their access to and cost of capital. Josiah Stamp said:
If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery (and enslavement), then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit Quote

“If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery (and enslavement), then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit” — Josiah Stamp


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In this quote, Josiah Stamp seems to be strongly criticizing the private control of money creation and credit by banking institutions. By stating that if people want to “continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery”, Stamp implies that allowing banks alone to determine monetary policy effectively subjects the populace and economy to the banks’ priorities and profit motives.

His reference to paying “the cost of your own slavery” conveys Stamp’s perspective that the population funds its own subjugation by permitting banks to dominate financial systems for private gain.

Overall, the harsh language suggests Stamp viewed exclusive bank authority over currency as deeply problematic, giving private entities undue power over nations by monopolizing monetary functions for self-interest rather than public benefit. Stamp appears to be advocating for curbing banks’ control of money and credit to protect self-determination and shared prosperity.

Birthday: June 21, 1880 – Death: April 16, 1941

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