Bruce Lee: Explicit Nature of Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Bruce Lee Money Quote saying cash has no actual nature of it’s own. We give it any power it has. Bruce Lee said:
Money of itself has no explicit nature. Money is what one makes of it Quote

“Money of itself has no explicit nature. Money is what one makes of it” — Bruce Lee


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In this money quote, Bruce Lee is emphasizing that money does not inherently possess any fixed qualities or moral attributes. Similar to quotes by Lewis Lapham discussed earlier, Lee argues that money is simply a tool or resource that takes on meaning based on how it is used and applied by individuals. Whether money enables good or ill in the world depends entirely on the choices and intentions of the people controlling it.

So in short, Lee appears to be saying that money itself is neutral – it is what people “make of it” through their own values, priorities and actions. The quote conveys Lee’s view that the impact and significance of money comes not from money itself, but from human decisions and behaviors.

Birthday November 27, 1940 – Died July 20, 1973


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