Victoria Woodhull: Equal Pay Equal

Posted by admin on Monday, September 23, 2019

Victoria Woodhull Money Quote saying the best defense against men’s physical and financial abuse is to be able to earn money and with comparable pay. Victoria Woodhull said:
Woman’s ability to earn money is better protection against the tyranny and brutality of men than her ability to vote. I demand equal pay for equal work Quote

“Woman’s ability to earn money is better protection against the tyranny and brutality of men than her ability to vote. I demand equal pay for equal work” — Victoria Woodhull


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In this quote, Victoria Woodhull is advocating for women’s economic empowerment and equality in the workplace. She argues that a woman’s ability to financially support herself through her own work and earnings provides stronger protection against exploitation and abuse from men than political rights alone.

Woodhull asserts that equal pay for equal work, or compensation based on merit rather than gender, is a crucial demand. She implies that as long as women are paid less than men or denied good jobs solely due to their sex, they will remain vulnerable to mistreatment and lack true autonomy.

Overall, the quote conveys Woodhull’s progressive view that securing fair wages and career opportunities for women through social and legal reforms was just as important, if not more so, than suffrage rights in guaranteeing women’s independence, safety and ability to fully participate in society on equal footing with men. She saw economic self-sufficiency through fair pay as a powerful shield against discrimination and subjugation.

Birthday: September 23, 1838 – June 9, 1927

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