Posts Tagged ‘malvina reynolds’

Malvina Reynolds: Lend Your Magic Penny

Posted by admin on Monday, June 20, 2016

Malvina Reynolds in Magic Penny Money Quote from music saying making use of money increases it beyond original value and makes it grow. Malvina Reynolds in Magic Penny said:
It's just like a magic penny, lend it, spend it, and you'll have so many Quote

“It’s just like a magic penny, Hold it tight and you won’t have any. Lend it, spend it, and you’ll have so many They’ll roll all over the floor” — Malvina Reynolds


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This quote from Malvina Reynolds suggests that being too tight-fisted with money is counterproductive, as holding on too tightly to even a single penny means having none at all.

However, if one is generous with their money by lending or spending it, they will end up accumulating many more pennies through circulation and exchange.

The quote implies that a penny that is shared and circulated gains value, while a penny hoarded alone loses value. It highlights how freely sharing modest financial resources can paradoxically lead to greater abundance over time rather than scarcity.

#LuckyPennyDay #NationalLuckyPennyDay May 23


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