Suze Orman: January Resolution Abandoned

Posted by admin on Friday, January 1, 2016

Suze Orman Money Quotation saying financial New Year’s resolutions won’t work if given up sooner than they are effective. Suze Orman said:
No one's ever achieved financial fitness with January resolution abandoned in February Quote

“No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February” — Suze Orman


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In this quote, Suze Orman is cautioning against making New Year’s resolutions related to finances that are not sustained long-term. When she says no one has achieved “financial fitness” by abandoning a January resolution by February, Orman implies that lasting improvement requires ongoing commitment, not just temporary motivation at the start of the year.

The quote suggests maintaining resolutions is important, otherwise goals will not be met.

Overall, Orman seems to be emphasizing the need for consistency and perseverance over time to truly get finances in shape, rather than one-month efforts that are quickly given up on.

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