Rudyard Kipling on Spending Speed

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rudyard Kipling Money Quotation saying being well paid at any level is of no value if it goes as fast as it comes in – making a poor opinion for any man. Rudyard Kipling said:
All the money in the world is no use to a man or his country if he spends it as fast as he makes it. All he has left is his bills and the reputation for being a fool Quote

“All the money in the world is no use to a man or his country if he spends it as fast as he makes it. All he has left is his bills and the reputation for being a fool” — Rudyard Kipling


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Rudyard Kipling believed it was foolish to spend money as fast as it comes in because it leaves a person with nothing but bills and the reputation of being a fool. Kipling thought that in order to have value, money should not simply be spent immediately but rather be used wisely over time.

His quote suggests that all the money in the world provides no benefit if a person does not manage it carefully and instead spends it all without saving or investing for the future. According to Kipling, spending money too quickly without regard for long-term financial planning essentially wastes the money and makes others see the spender as reckless.

Birthday: December 30, 1865 – Death: January 18, 1936

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