Frank Lloyd Wright: Wealthy Janitors

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Frank Lloyd Wright Money Quotation saying the wealthy may hire caretakers for their lawns and gardens, but many spend all their time caretaking their belongings. Frank Lloyd Wright said:
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions Quote

“Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions” — Frank Lloyd Wright


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In this quote, Frank Lloyd Wright is criticizing how some wealthy individuals define themselves primarily through their material possessions and wealth, rather than through more meaningful contributions or accomplishments.

By describing them as “little more than janitors of their possessions”, Wright suggests that the main focus and purpose of their lives becomes the maintenance and caretaking of what they own, rather than more impactful pursuits.

The quote implies that for these people, their wealth and status becomes an end in itself rather than a means to higher goals. Wright seems to view this approach to wealth as empty and lacking in purpose or substance.

Overall, he is expressing disdain for those who derive their sole identity and sense of worth from accumulating and tending to possessions, rather than using wealth and privilege to also create or better society in some way.

Birthday: June 8, 1867 – Death: April 9, 1959

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