Jane Austen: Happiness of Money Only

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jane Austen Money Quotation saying those made happiest by cash have nothing else to provide them happiness. Jane Austen said:

Jane Austen Money Happiness Nothing Else

Jane Austen Money Happiness Nothing Else


“Money can only give happiness where there is nothing else to give it” — Jane Austen


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This quote from Jane Austen suggests that wealth alone cannot provide true happiness or fulfillment if a person lacks other meaningful aspects in their life. She seems to be implying that money can only superficially satisfy desires or wants when nothing else is present to bring deeper joy and purpose.

The quote means that while financial security allows basic comforts, riches do not equate to happiness if one’s life lacks relationships, passions, personal growth or service.

Austen appears to be reminding us that inner well-being requires cultivating non-monetary sources of meaning and life satisfaction in addition to any material wealth. True and lasting happiness, the quote suggests, stems from much more than possessions or income alone.

Birthday: December 16, 1775 – Death: July 18, 1817

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