Archive for the ‘happiness’ Category

Money and happiness are frequently linked by those who can’t imagine being happy without wealth. Money is tied to being happy by most.

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Thich Nhat Hanh: Inherit Happiness

Posted by admin on Friday, October 6, 2023

The most precious inheritance that parents is their own happiness. money, houses, received the richest inheritance of all Quote


“The most precious inheritance that parents can give their children is their own happiness. Our parents may be able to leave us money, houses, and land, but they may not be happy people. If we have happy parents, we have received the richest inheritance of all” — Thich Nhat Hanh


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This quote from Thich Nhat Hanh emphasizes that the most valuable gift parents can pass on to their children is their own state of happiness and well-being. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He suggests tangible assets like wealth, property or material goods, while useful, do not define a child’s upbringing or long-term success as much as the emotional environment set by content parents.
  • Thich Nhat Hanh portrays happiness as the “richest inheritance” one can receive from their caregivers because of its profound and lasting impacts on mental/social development.
  • His perspective conveys that children who grow up seeing their parents thriving and fulfilled are set up for healthy relationships and lives of their own as adults due to that psychological and interpersonal foundation.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on definitions of happiness, and many factors influence both parents and their children.

Overall, the quote reflects Thich Nhat Hanh’s viewpoint that parental well-being profoundly shapes offspring, though a balanced interpretation acknowledges both nature and nurture play complex roles, as in ongoing discussions around multi-generational impacts on human development and society.

Birthday: October 11, 1926 – Death: January 22, 2022

Ian Caldwell: Never Invest Deeply

Posted by admin on Monday, September 25, 2023

Meaning of Ian Caldwell Money Quote: saying Don’t invest your energy so fully that a loss costs peace of mind. Ian Caldwell said:

Never invest yourself in anything so deeply that its failure could cost you your happiness Quote


“Never invest yourself in anything so deeply that its failure could cost you your happiness” — Ian Caldwell


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This quote from Ian Caldwell suggests taking a cautious approach to commitments that could profoundly impact one’s well-being if they do not succeed or turn out as hoped. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Caldwell implies people should avoid dedicating themselves so fully to goals, relationships or pursuits that losing or being let down by them could destroy their happiness.
  • He portrays preserving emotional resilience and independence as prudent by limiting the degree that external factors determine inner peace and satisfaction.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on where to draw lines around involvement versus self-protection, as some level of vulnerability often accompanies caring deeply about others or ambitious undertakings.
  • Caldwell’s perspective reflects a viewpoint that preserving happiness requires guarding against total dependence on any single outcome outside one’s control, though interdependence and risk-taking also have benefits for many.

Overall, the quote conveys Caldwell’s stance encouraging caution to avoid basing one’s contentment entirely on variables beyond oneself. But a balanced interpretation also considers that relationships, work and life’s meaning often emerge from putting oneself at risk of both success and failure to some degree, and people prioritize independence and commitment differently according to their outlooks and situations.

Osho: Trees Not Become Rich

Posted by admin on Sunday, May 14, 2023

Meaning of Osho Money Quote: saying nature seems happy at all times, without striving for wealth or bank balances. Osho said:

not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance Quote

“Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance” — Osho


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This quote from Osho suggests that trees experience joy and contentment without needing achievements, status, wealth or financial security in the way humans often pursue. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Osho portrays trees as naturally feeling happiness without external motivations like career success, social climbing, money accumulation or bank accounts that drive much human behavior.
  • He implies trees simply live and thrive without these artificial measures of self-worth, finding beauty in their purpose as plants and participation in the ecosystem.
  • Osho’s perspective conveys the viewpoint that a simpler, more natural state may involve fewer conditions on fulfillment than seeking happiness through worldly metrics alone.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on what defines meaning, as humans pursue diverse paths according to personal philosophy and what optimizes well-being is an ongoing discussion as conditions change over one’s lifespan.

Overall, the quote reflects Osho’s belief that trees exemplify a form of joy unattached to human social constructs. But the best interpretation considers this perspective as one of many valid stances, and recognizes that for many, happiness stems from a balance of security, relationships, spiritual fulfillment and freely pursuing one’s passions according to personal temperament and priorities at any stage of life. Multiple perspectives have value in ongoing discussions about defining and achieving life’s rewards.

Esther Hicks: Standard of Success

Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Meaning of Esther Hicks Money Quote: saying success is not having lots of stuff or lots of money, but how happy that stuff makes you. Esther Hicks said:

The standard of success in life is not the things or the money - the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel Quote

“The standard of success in life is not the things or the money – the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel” — Esther Hicks


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In this quote, Esther Hicks is suggesting that true success or achievement in life should not be defined by superficial measures like wealth, status or possessions. When she says the “standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel”, Hicks means that a fulfilled, meaningful life is best quantified by one’s own sense of happiness, fulfillment and enjoyment rather than external markers.

She appears to believe that inner well-being, peace of mind and ability to experience life’s pleasures are better gauges of prosperity than financial metrics or what others may perceive as accomplishments.

The quote conveys Hicks’ view that success encompasses living according to what nourishes one’s soul, rather than adherence to more tangible or socially-constructed definitions of achievement.

Tara Sivec: Chocolate Happiness

Posted by admin on Monday, March 13, 2023

Meaning of Tara Sivec Money Quote: saying happiness from chocolate means that money buying chocolate suggests that happiness can be bought. Tara Sivec said:

Money can't buy happiness but it can buy chocolate, which is kind of the same thing Quote

Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy chocolate, which is kind of the same thing” — Tara Sivec


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This quote from Tara Sivec suggests that while wealth alone does not guarantee joy or fulfillment, it can purchase treats like chocolate that temporarily lift one’s mood in a similar manner. Some key points in interpreting the perspective:

  • Sivec implies that chocolate and other small indulgences have the power to momentarily cheer someone up in the way proponents claim money can buy happiness.
  • She portrays chocolate as a readily available substitute for the notion that financial means directly translate to bliss, since sweets provide fleeting pleasure.
  • Sivec’s perspective conveys the viewpoint that simple pleasures accessible even to those with limited budgets can offer comparable gratification to expensive luxuries or status symbols.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on what constitutes happiness, as money enables important needs and opportunities when balanced with other priorities like relationships, health and freely pursuing deeper callings according to personal philosophy and changing needs over the lifespan.

Overall, the quote reflects Sivec’s lighthearted belief that chocolate can match money’s perceived ability to elevate moods. But the best interpretation considers this perspective as one of many valid stances, and recognizes that personal fulfillment stems from a diversity of factors according to individual temperament and priorities that shape lives through their own philosophies and situations over the lifespan.

Morgan Housel: Money Control Time

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Meaning of Morgan Housel Money Quote: saying having money means that you can control how you spend your time, based on what makes you happy. Morgan Housel said:

when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want to, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance Quote

“Use money to gain control over your time, because not having control of your time is such a powerful and universal drag on happiness. The ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want to, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance” — Morgan Housel


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In this quote, Morgan Housel is saying that using money strategically can help gain more control over one’s time. When a person has financial resources, they have more freedom to choose how to spend their time – on activities, with people, for durations that they personally find meaningful and that bring them happiness. Housel argues that having this sense of autonomy and control over one’s schedule is extremely valuable for well-being and life satisfaction.

Therefore, gaining financial independence through wise money management can generate high returns in terms of quality of life, even if it does not directly earn high monetary returns. The key message is that money allows greater personal agency over how time is spent, and this ability to self-determine one’s schedule is closely tied to happiness.

Janette Rallison: Happiness of Mind

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Meaning of Janette Rallison Money Quote: saying what makes a life complete should be defined by individuals to achieve their own happiness. Janette Rallison said:

Happiness doesn't come from achievements, or money, or any sort of treasure. Happiness is a frame of mind, not a destination Quote

“I don’t think anybody should think their life is incomplete if they don’t follow some dream. Happiness doesn’t come from achievements, or money, or any sort of treasure. Happiness is a frame of mind, not a destination” — Janette Rallison


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In this quote, Janette Rallison is suggesting that true happiness and fulfillment in life do not require achieving grand dreams, acquiring wealth or tangible accomplishments. Happiness is not something achieved by reaching destinations or obtained from external factors, but rather is a state of mind and perspective.

The best interpretation is that Rallison believes well-being depends more on cultivating inner qualities like gratitude, compassion, presence and appreciation for life’s simpler pleasures – not defining one’s self-worth or goals primarily through status, net worth or achievements alone.

This reinforces many of the previous quotes discussed – that while prosperity allows opportunities, lasting joy stems from nurturing relationships, health, purpose and a balanced outlook through challenges and blessings alike.

Ayn Rand: Purchase Happiness

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 15, 2023

Meaning of Ayn Rand Money Quote: saying you must know what you want when seeking to buy happiness. Ayn Rand said:

Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants Quote

“Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants” — Ayn Rand


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In this quote, Ayn Rand is asserting that merely having money alone is not enough to guarantee happiness. One must have clear goals, values and desires – a “concept of what he wants” – in order to find purpose and fulfillment in life.

Without knowing what is truly important to oneself, one could accumulate wealth but still feel unfulfilled or lack direction. Rand is suggesting that to gain happiness, one needs both financial means as well as an understanding of oneself and one’s priorities or vision for how to live well.

Simply possessing money without an inner sense of one’s wants and values will not lead to true happiness according to Rand’s view.

Birthday: February 2, 1905 – Death: March 6, 1982

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