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Rodney R. White: Costs Nothing

Posted by admin on Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Meaning of Rodney R. White Money Quote: saying It is free to dream – but very expensive not to dream. Rodney R. White said:
It costs nothing to dream and everything not to Quote

“It costs nothing to dream and everything not to” — Rodney White


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In this quote, Rodney White is encouraging people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. By stating that it “costs nothing to dream” but costs “everything not to”, White suggests that dreaming is free while failing to follow one’s dreams carries a high price.

The quote implies the opportunities and fulfillment lost by not striving for goals or visions far outweigh any risks or costs of trying.

White appears to be advocating that people invest the time and effort to envision what they want from life and then work to make those dreams reality, as the alternative of not dreaming at all denies oneself potential rewards and leaves one settling for less.

Stephen King: Something 4 Nothing

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Meaning of Stephen King Money Quote: saying all people love getting things free, even if that costs their soul and all they have. Stephen King said:

Everyone loves something for nothing... even if it costs everything Quote

“Everyone loves something for nothing… even if it costs everything” — Stephen King


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In this quote, Stephen King is suggesting that people often want to get something for nothing, even if it comes at a very high cost. The “something for nothing” refers to wanting a reward or benefit without having to put in any real effort, work, or sacrifice.

However, as King points out, most things that seem like they could be “for nothing” actually do end up “costing everything” – meaning they require a tremendous sacrifice or have severe negative consequences that outweigh any initial perceived benefit.

So the overall message is that in life, nothing truly comes for free – we often underestimate the real costs of things that superficially seem like they could be gained without paying a price.

Colette: Hope Costs Nothing

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 17, 2023

Meaning of Colette Money Quote: saying Hope has zero costs Maning there is no expense to worry about, nothing. Colette said:

Hope Costs Nothing Quote

“Hope costs nothing” — Colette


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This quote from Colette suggests that maintaining hope or optimism comes at no financial price. Some key points in interpreting her perspective:

  • Colette implies that having hope or wishing for better outcomes in life is an emotional or mental state that requires no tangible resources to sustain.
  • She portrays hope as a free asset that can be retained even when facing challenges or difficulties, unlike most material possessions.
  • However, excessive or unrealistic hope could potentially undermine prudent planning if not balanced with objective assessment of circumstances.
  • A balanced interpretation is that while hope alone demands no payment, bringing hope to fruition may involve costs that hope alone cannot surmount without additional effort or aid.

Overall, the quote reflects Colette’s viewpoint that retaining hope as a psychological coping mechanism bears no direct expenses. But the best analysis also considers that hope functioning productively in the world, like all virtues, relies on a combination of aspiration and pragmatic action according to one’s means and situation. Both perspectives have value in discussions around navigating life’s hardships and opportunities.

Birthday: 28 January 1873 – Death: 3 August 1954

Alice Walker: Out of Slavery

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 10, 2022

Meaning of Alice Walker Money Quote: saying once slavery was ended people required even more of them. Alice Walker said:
give em something. Either your money, your land, your woman or your ass Quote

“The trouble with our people is as soon as they got out of slavery they didn’t want to give the white man nothing else. But the fact is, you got to give em something. Either your money, your land, your woman or your ass” — Alice Walker


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In this quote, Alice Walker seems to be critiquing the mindset of some African Americans after gaining freedom from slavery. When she says “as soon as they got out of slavery they didn’t want to give the white man nothing else,” she’s referring to the desire to be fully independent and self-sufficient after so long being oppressed.

However, Walker notes that in reality “you got to give em something” – meaning it was difficult to avoid continued exploitation by white people, who would take African Americans’ “money, land, woman or ass” through things like unequal economic systems, land seizures, racism and violence (including lynching and rape).

The quote suggests Walker believes true liberation and equality had not yet been achieved after slavery’s legal end, and black communities remained vulnerable to having their livelihood and dignity stripped away by the dominant white class.

Nelson Rockefeller: Own Nothing

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 8, 2021

Nelson Rockefeller Money Quote saying to be successful is to be a controller, not an owner of things. Nelson Rockefeller said:
The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything Quote

“The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything” — Nelson Rockefeller


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In this quote, former U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller is offering an unconventional perspective on achieving success. On the surface, he suggests that rather than owning assets outright, true power and influence come from controlling resources indirectly through other means.

Some possible interpretations are that influence over policy, public opinion, or business decisions can be more strategically impactful than direct ownership alone. It may also imply that maintaining flexibility and options through leasing, contracts, or joint ventures rather than full ownership is a shrewder long-term approach.

Overall, Rockefeller seems to be advising ambitious individuals to think beyond traditional definitions of success focused solely on accumulation of property, and to consider more nuanced forms of control that don’t require ownership on paper.

Birthday: July 8, 1908 – Death: January 26, 1979

Red Grange: Football Not Money

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 6, 2021

Red Grange Money Quote saying that in the early history of the game of football, players loved the game and would have done it for nothing. Red Grange said:
They were not in it for the money. There wasn't much money there. They would have played football for nothing Quote

“The only football players in my time were fellows who really loved to play football. They were not in it for the money. There wasn’t much money there. They would have played football for nothing” — Red Grange


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In this quote, legendary American football player Red Grange is contrasting the motivations of early football players in his era with later generations. He suggests that in the 1920s and 30s when he played, the sport was truly a passionate amateur pastime, as there were few financial rewards available. Grange implies most players participated purely out of love for the game itself, not for compensation or fame.

The quote conveys nostalgia for a time when athletic talent seemed less commercially driven, and the joy of competition primarily motivated participation over money. Overall, Red Grange appears to be fondly remembering a period when football was a purer expression of athleticism rather than the big business it would later become.

Birthday: June 13, 1903 – Death: January 28, 1991

Josh Billings: Pity Cost Nothing

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 21, 2020

Josh Billings Money Quote saying there is no value and no expense to pity. Josh Billings said:
Pity cost nothing and ain't worth nothing Quote

“Pity cost nothing and ain’t worth nothing” — Josh Billings


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In this quote, Josh Billings is making a cynical observation about the value of pity. By stating that pity “cost nothing and ain’t worth nothing”, Billings implies that expressing feelings of sorrow or compassion for someone else’s misfortune does not actually require any real sacrifice or have meaningful impact.

The overall message seems to be that pity is an empty gesture that provides no tangible benefit – it is an emotion without true substance or worth. Billings appears to be cautioning against superficial or perfunctory displays of pity that do not involve genuine empathy, aid or effort on behalf of those who are suffering.

Birthday: April 21, 1818 – Death: October 14, 1885

Josiah Stamp: Manufacture Money

Posted by admin on Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Josiah Stamp Money Quote saying banks create money by loaning money that belongs to others. Josiah Stamp said:
The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing Quote

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing” — Josiah Stamp


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In this quote, Josiah Stamp seems to be criticizing how the fractional reserve banking system allows banks to lend and create money in excess of the actual cash reserves they hold on deposit. By stating that the “modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing”, Stamp implies that banks can effectively generate new money by issuing loans without having equivalent funds fully deposited by customers first.

The quote conveys Stamp’s perspective that banks introduce new money into circulation through lending activities beyond what they have physically on hand, in a way that resembles money creation. Overall, Stamp appears to be arguing that the nature of fractional reserve banking permits the financial system to expand the overall money supply through lending practices that some view as a form of indirect money printing, since new funds are generated without equivalent hard assets to back them fully.

Birthday: June 21, 1880 – Death: April 16, 1941

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