Hillary Clinton: Women Earn $0.79, Men $1

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton Money Quote saying on Equal Pay Day that wage equality must be addressed, more so for women of color. Hillary Clinton said:
Women earn just $0.79 for every $1 men do. It's worse for women of color. Let's close that gap Quote

“Women earn just $0.79 for every $1 men do. It’s worse for women of color. Let’s close that gap” — Hillary Clinton


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In this quote, Hillary Clinton appears to be highlighting the gender pay gap issue and advocating for policies to reduce unequal treatment. She cites data showing that on average, women currently earn only $0.79 for every $1 earned by men, indicating a roughly 20% lower average salary simply due to their gender.

Clinton also notes the pay gap has an even greater impact on women of color. Her statement “Let’s close that gap” conveys a desire to reform the system and enact measures that would diminish this wage inequality over time.

Overall, Clinton seems to be calling attention to ongoing disparities in how much women, especially minority women, are paid compared to men in similar roles, and expressing a goal of enacting fairer compensation policies that would narrow or eliminate this gap.

If things progress on course, we will never be in a position to list a few types of careers where women do better financially than men again (there will be too many if things go as they should) – so here are a handful of roles where women did better than men in 2016:

Keep in mind that we’d have to list every job title in existence except those above if we were to list where men earn more than women. It would be instructive to see those most out of balance where women are paid the least compared to males.

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