Henry David Thoreau: Spend Christmas Well

Posted by admin on Friday, December 25, 2015

Henry David Thoreau Money Quotation saying what you do for Christmas matters more than the total spent on gifts. Henry David Thoreau said:
The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much Quote

“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much” — Henry David Thoreau


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Henry David Thoreau is saying that how one spends and celebrates Christmas is more important than the total monetary amount spent on gifts or other material aspects of the holiday.

Thoreau emphasizes that the quality of experiences shared with family and friends, acts of goodwill, spiritual reflection, and time spent together are more meaningful aspects of Christmas than the dollar value of gifts or other purchases.

The quote suggests that the heartfelt way we observe Christmas matters more than the quantity of money or possessions involved.

Birthday: July 12, 1817 – Death: May 6, 1862

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