Heidi Joyce on Judging People by How Much Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Funny Money Quotes: Since we judge people by appearance, we sometimes miss how much they are worth. Heidi Joyce said:
This is America! Where we’re not supposed to judge people based on how they look; we’re supposed to judge people based on how much money they make Quote

“This is America! Where we’re not supposed to judge people based on how they look; we’re supposed to judge people based on how much money they make” — Heidi Joyce


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Heidi Joyce appears to be criticizing the priorities and values of American society that are reflected in how people often relate to and judge one another. Her point seems to be that while diversity and equality are American ideals, in practice many tend to form opinions of others based more on their financial status or wealth rather than their character or humanity.

Joyce suggests this contradicts the principles of not prejudging individuals by their outward appearance or attributes alone. By judging people “based on how much money they make”, she implies this reduces people to monetary worth and fails to see them as multidimensional human beings.

The quote aims to highlight how materialism has distorted societal and interpersonal perspectives away from ideals of treating all people with equal dignity and respect.

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