Harry Reid: Political Dark Money

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 10, 2014

Senator Harry Reid speaking during a senate judiciary hearing in June 2014 on billionaires control of political system. Harry Reid said:
I'm here because the flood of dark money into our nation’s political system poses the greatest threat to our democracy that I have witnessed during my tenure in public service Quote

“I’m here because the flood of dark money into our nation’s political system poses the greatest threat to our democracy that I have witnessed during my tenure in public service” — Harry Reid


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In this quote, Harry Reid is expressing grave concern about the influence of large amounts of undisclosed “dark money” entering the political system. By describing it as “the greatest threat to our democracy” that he’s seen over his career in public service, Reid seems to be arguing that unlimited, anonymous donations have come to exert too much power and sway over the political process.

The best interpretation is that Reid believes transparent political funding is essential for a functioning representative democracy, and that a flood of untraceable money distorts outcomes and undermines democratic values, making it the most serious challenge facing the system according to his view and experience.

No, Toto, I don't think we're in Democracy anymore

Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune


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