Elizabeth Warren on Families not Billionaires

Posted by admin on Monday, September 8, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying government has been handed to big money interests and we must demand it be returned to electorate. Elizabeth Warren said:
The only chance we’ve got is if those families will turn back to their government and say, ‘I demand that you work for me, not for the billionaires, not for the millionaires. That you work for me’ Quote

“The only chance we’ve got is if those families will turn back to their government and say, ‘I demand that you work for me, not for the billionaires, not for the millionaires. That you work for me.’” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing tax laws that are skewed to benefit large corporations and wealthy political donors over average working families. She argues that past tax deals have excessively protected the interests of billionaires, big oil companies, and other major political contributors through loopholes and exemptions, while regular families end up shouldering more of the tax burden.

Warren suggests that after so many tax codes that favor powerful donors over citizens, most Americans no longer trust tax reform that does not have their best interests in mind. Her message is that the government should write tax laws to help working people rather than excessively catering to large donors and companies.

Elizabeth Warren on Fighting Back Against Wall St. Giants from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo


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