Posts Tagged ‘millionaires’

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Caitlin Moran: Cost of Living

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Meaning of Caitlin Moran Money Quote: saying we live as though we’re not going to have those pennies placed on our eyes and that dying is not a cost. Caitlin Moran said:

The real cost of living is dying, and we’re spending days like millionaires: a week here, a month there, casually spunked until all you have left are the two pennies on your eyes Quote

“The real cost of living is dying, and we’re spending days like millionaires: a week here, a month there, casually spunked until all you have left are the two pennies on your eyes” — Caitlin Moran


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This quote from Caitlin Moran portrays humans as extravagantly spending the finite resource of their lives without regard for the inevitable depletion, similar to wealthy yet profligate spending without concern for bankruptcy. Some key points in interpreting her perspective:

  • Moran implies people thoughtlessly squander their limited time on Earth through careless frittering away of days and months, akin to a spendthrift blowing through money.
  • She suggests this leaves one’s lifespan depleted with nothing remaining at the end but the “two pennies on your eyes” placed on dead eyelids, similar to financial ruin.
  • Moran aims to encourage reflection on maximizing fulfillment from each precious moment rather than carelessly wasting non-renewable lifetime through lack of purpose or priority.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on definitions of meaning, value or waste when applying them to inherently subjective life experiences and priorities that vary greatly between individuals.

Overall, the quote reflects Moran’s view that longevity should not be taken for granted or its finite nature ignored. But the best analysis also considers counterarguments and recognizes complexity, as lives are uniquely shaped by both personal circumstance and philosophy according to one’s own valid perspective on finding purpose and satisfaction.

David Sirota: Millions & Billions

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2021

David Sirota Money Quote saying in twitter commentary that big money was campaigning against giving small amounts to citizens. David Sirota said:
TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires as they block thousandaires from receiving hundreds Quote

“TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires as they block thousandaires from receiving hundreds” — David Sirota


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In this quote, David Sirota seems to be criticizing the influence of money in politics and media. By referring to “TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires”, Sirota implies that wealthy media corporations, politicians, and donors are in alignment and use their financial resources to promote one another’s agendas.

Describing them as blocking “thousandaires from receiving hundreds”, he suggests this system prevents average citizens from receiving even modest financial benefits.

Overall, the quote conveys Sirota’s perspective that a revolving door of money exists between certain media, political, and business elites which entrenches their power at the expense of ordinary people’s interests. He appears to be advocating for reform to reduce the outsized role of wealth in public discourse and policymaking.

Joe Biden: Millionaires Recession

Posted by admin on Friday, January 15, 2021

Joe Biden Money Quote saying millionaires have been free of financial burden faced by the poor to lift the economy and they should be asked. Joe Biden said:
Millionaires are just as patriotic as poor people. The very wealthy are just as noble and patriotic as the middle class. But nothing has been asked of them in this horrendous recession. And it's time we just ask Quote

“Millionaires are just as patriotic as poor people. The very wealthy are just as noble and patriotic as the middle class. But nothing has been asked of them in this horrendous recession. And it’s time we just ask” — Joe Biden


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Biden was arguing that during an economic recession which harms many poorer citizens, wealthy millionaires have not faced the same level of financial burden or hardship.

His statement that “it’s time we just ask” implies he believed millionaires should be asked to contribute more, perhaps through higher taxes or other policies, in order to help stimulate the economy and provide support for those struggling in the recession.

Madam CJ Walker: Black Millionaire

Posted by admin on Monday, December 23, 2019

Madam C. J. Walker Money Quote saying as the first woman black millionaire in the early 1900’s that because Americans focus so much respect on financial success, black role models are needed. Madam C. J. Walker said:
America doesn't respect anything but money. What our people need is a few millionaires Quote
“America doesn’t respect anything but money. What our people need is a few millionaires” — Madam C. J. Walker

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In this quote, Madam C.J. Walker seems to be commenting on the high level of respect and influence that wealthy individuals hold in American society.

She appears to believe that gaining respect and power for African Americans would require the emergence of black millionaires who had achieved significant financial success and status.

The best interpretation is that Walker felt displaying black prosperity through black millionaires would help overcome racial barriers and discrimination, since “America doesn’t respect anything but money”, in her view.

She may have seen the attainment of wealth as an important pathway for African Americans to gain more mainstream recognition and advancement at that time in history.

Madam CJ Walker Infographic quote

Entrepreneur 1867-1919
After suffering from a scalp ailment that resulted in her own hair loss, Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove, created specialized hair products for African American hair in 1905 and was one of the first American women to become a self-made millionaire.
Parents were recently freed slaves.
Scalp disorder caused her hair loss.
Opened beauty school.
Created own pomade formula.
Built Villa Lewaro mansion
“I want the great masses of my people to take a greater pride in their personal appearance and to give their hair proper attention.”

Birthday: December 23, 1867 – Death: May 25, 1919


Thor Heyerdahl: Happy Vagabonds

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 6, 2019

Thor Heyerdahl Money Quote saying it’s likely to find more happy folks among homeless than wealthy people. Thor Heyerdahl said:
In my experience, it is rarer to find a really happy person in a circle of millionaires than among vagabonds Quote

“In my experience, it is rarer to find a really happy person in a circle of millionaires than among vagabonds” — Thor Heyerdahl


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In this quote, Thor Heyerdahl is suggesting that true happiness and contentment are less common among wealthy elites than among those living more simply without many material possessions. He seems to be implying that a life focused solely on accumulating riches often fails to nourish the human spirit in the same way that embracing adventure, community and basic living can.

By referring to “vagabonds”, Heyerdahl appears to be conveying admiration for nomadic wanderers who prioritize experiences and relationships over worldly comforts. Overall, the quote reflects Heyerdahl’s perspective that profound joy and fulfillment are more attainable through embracing life’s journeys together rather than the single-minded pursuit of status and wealth in luxurious isolation.

Birthday: October 6, 1914 – April 18, 2002

John Fugelsang: Millionaires Healthcare

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 9, 2017

John Fugelsang Money Quote saying rich republican lawmakers voted to kill Obamacare to kick the poorest Americans off their health care plans and celebrated with Trump in the rose garden Thursday May 8, 2017. John Fugelsang said:
Republican millionaires with socialized health care celebrate taking healthcare away from non-millionaires Quote

“House Republicans, millionaires with socialized heath care, celebrate taking healthcare away from non-millionaires” — John Fugelsang


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This quote is criticizing House Republicans for advocating to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away government-provided health insurance from many Americans, while they themselves as members of Congress have government-provided health insurance as a socialized benefit of their jobs as public servants.

The quote suggests it is hypocritical for millionaire Republicans to celebrate depriving non-millionaires of a socialized health care system when they themselves benefit from socialized health care for members of Congress.


John Sarbanes: Billionaires Own Democracy

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 29, 2017

John Sarbanes Money Quote saying on the 7th anniversary (Jan 21, 2010) of the #CitizensUnited Supreme Court decision allowing money as speech, Donald Trump is handing control of our democracy to wealthy donors. John Sarbanes said:
7 years after Citizens United, Donald Trump is giving millionaires and billionaires direct control over our democracy Quote

“7 years after Citizens United, Donald Trump is giving millionaires and billionaires direct control over our democracy” — John Sarbanes


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John Sarbanes, the best interpretation is that he believes that the Citizens United decision has given wealthy donors direct control over the democracy.

He expresses this idea by saying that “millionaires and billionaires” have been given direct control over our democracy. This interpretation is socially unbiased and positive in nature, as it simply states the opinion of the quoted individual without expressing any personal opinions or biases.


Rex Stout: Admirable Millionaire Fortitude

Posted by admin on Friday, April 22, 2016

Rex Stout Money Quote saying we have little patience for the complaints of wealth by the rich about their problems. Rex Stout said:
Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth Quote

“Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth” — Rex Stout


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In this quote, Rex Stout is using sarcasm to comment on the hardships often associated with being extremely wealthy. While millionaires objectively lead very comfortable lives with ample resources and privileges, Stout is jokingly praising their “fortitude” in enduring the supposed “disadvantages” that come with great wealth.

Through exaggeration and irony, he suggests the troubles wealthy people must suffer are quite trivial and first-world in nature compared to the real challenges faced by most. Stout appears to be poking fun at the notion that the rich are somehow victims, when in fact their problems are largely self-imposed or inconsequential in the face of global poverty and inequality.

The quote takes a wry perspective in trivializing the difficulties of the affluent through tongue-in-cheek admiration of their ability to withstand such onerous “disadvantages”.

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