Posts Tagged ‘billionaires’

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Bernie Sanders: Billionaires Space

Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Bernie Sanders Money Quote saying the wealthy are so rich they can afford to go to space and buy monstrous yachts and homes. Bernie Sanders said:
Billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson spaceships to outer space. They're buying $500 million super yachts, while half of our people live paycheck to paycheck Quote

Billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson are zooming off in their spaceships to outer space. They’re buying $500 million super yachts, and they’re buying mansions with 25 bathrooms, while half of our people live paycheck to paycheck” — Bernie Sanders


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In this quote, Bernie Sanders appears to be criticizing the vast wealth inequality between billionaires and ordinary citizens. The best interpretation is:

  • Sanders notes billionaires like Musk, Bezos and Branson can spend exorbitantly on luxuries like space flights, yachts and mansions, while many average Americans struggle paycheck to paycheck.
  • He implies this demonstrates an unfair imbalance, with the ultra-wealthy enjoying lavish excesses unavailable to most, even as many can barely afford basic living costs from one pay period to the next.
  • Sanders seems to be arguing this level of unequal wealth distribution is unjust and unsustainable for society, with the rich living extravagantly while so many have little financial flexibility or security.

Overall, the quote conveys Sanders’ view that the enormous wealth of billionaires and their ability to spend on extreme luxuries stands in stark contrast and is unfair relative to the financial difficulties experienced by many ordinary working Americans. He appears to be advocating for a more equitable distribution of resources.

Grady Booch: Two Billionaires U.S.

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Grady Booch Money Quote saying 50 years ago there were only a couple of U.S. Billionaires and today there are nearly a thousand. Grady Booch said:
 Billionaires J Paul Getty and Howard Hughes, each worth around $1-1.5 billion. In 2021, there are 724 billionaires Quote

“In 1969, there were two billionaires in the United States: J Paul Getty and Howard Hughes, each worth around $1-1.5 billion. In 2021, there are 724 billionaires in the United States” — Grady Booch


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In this quote, Grady Booch is making an observation about the dramatic growth in extreme wealth in the United States over the past 50+ years. Specifically:

  • Booch notes that in 1969, there were only two billionaires total in the US, with each worth between $1-1.5 billion in today’s dollars.
  • However, by 2021 there were 724 billionaires residing in America according to his data, showing a massive increase in ultra-high net worth individuals.

The best interpretation is that Booch is highlighting how the ranks of the ultra-wealthy in the US have expanded enormously relative to the very small numbers several decades ago.

His quote conveys how the rise of industries like technology and finance contributed to a huge proliferation of billionaires and unprecedented fortunes being amassed in recent times compared to the country’s economic elite in the late 1960s based on his comparative statistics.

Robert Reich: Billionaires Taxed

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 4, 2021

Robert Reich Money Quote saying Jeff Bezos just saw his net worth increase to over $200 Billion and paid no taxes – why? Robert Reich said:
Forbes 400 list with a net worth of $200 billion … and we’re still arguing about whether the billionaires need to be taxed Quote

“Jeff Bezos just became the first person on the Forbes 400 list with a net worth of $200 billion … and we’re still arguing about whether the billionaires need to be taxed” — Robert Reich

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In this quote, Robert Reich is expressing frustration that while Jeff Bezos has just reached the unprecedented milestone of having a $200 billion net worth, making him the richest person in modern history, there is still debate around whether extreme wealth at the billionaire level should be more heavily taxed.

Reich seems to be implying that Bezos’ immense fortune, larger than almost any private accumulation of wealth ever, underscores how the tax system does little to curb the growing concentration of wealth and power among a tiny few individuals.

By pointing out that this discussion is still ongoing even in light of Bezos’ unparalleled wealth, Reich appears to be arguing that billionaires have accumulated too much and higher taxes are needed to reasonably address wealth inequality in society.

Howard Schultz: Billionaires List

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 25, 2021

Howard Schultz Money Quote saying no desire to make the list of richest, but rather focus on personal values. Howard Schultz said:
I never wanted to be on any billionaires list. I never define myself by net worth Quote

“I never wanted to be on any billionaires list. I never define myself by net worth. I always try to define myself by my values” — Howard Schultz


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In this quote, Howard Schultz seems to be conveying that he does not define his self-worth or identity based on the size of his financial net worth. Specifically:

  • Schultz states he never wanted to be included on lists of wealth rankings like “billionaires lists” that quantify net worth.
  • He directly says he does not define himself by his net worth number or wealth status, implying it is not central to how he views himself.
  • Schultz notes he tries to define himself instead by his “values” – the principles, priorities and character qualities that are more intrinsic and guide how he approaches life and work.

The best interpretation is that Schultz wants to communicate wealth accumulation was never his primary motivator, and he finds deeper fulfillment in living according to his values rather than deriving a sense of self or pride from any dollar figure attached to his net assets. The quote conveys Schultz’s perspective that non-financial qualities provide a truer and more meaningful sense of identity than monetary metrics alone.

A’Lelia Bundles: Black Net Worth

Posted by admin on Friday, September 17, 2021

A’Lelia Bundles Money Quote saying it’s not difficult to find Black Women billionaires, including Oprah and Sheila Johnson. A’Lelia Bundles said:
black women who are billionaires: Sheila Johnson, who co-founded BET, and Oprah Winfrey. And I know of hundreds of black women whose net worth is over $1 million Quote

“I know of at least two black women who are billionaires: Sheila Johnson, who co-founded BET, and Oprah Winfrey. And I know of hundreds of black women whose net worth is over $1 million” — A’Lelia Bundles


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In this quote, A’Lelia Bundles seems to be highlighting the financial success and wealth accumulation of prominent black businesswomen. Specifically:

  • Bundles directly names two black female billionaires – Sheila Johnson who co-founded Black Entertainment Television, and media mogul Oprah Winfrey.
  • She notes being aware of “at least” these two examples whose net worth eclipses $1 billion each.
  • Bundles also states there are “hundreds” of black women she knows who have amassed a net worth of over $1 million, still a significant multi-million dollar fortune.

The best interpretation is that Bundles wants to bring attention to highly accomplished black women in business who have achieved extraordinary financial prosperity and accumulated substantial personal wealth, serving as inspirational examples of black female entrepreneurship and economic empowerment according to her perspective emphasizing their role as trailblazers and success stories.

George Takei: Billionaire Mockery

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 20, 2021

George Takei Money Quote saying that when the wealthy can buy campaigns without limits, the idea of every vote counting is destroyed. George Takei said:
When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there's no limit, then it makes a mockery of 'one man, one vote' Quote

“When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there’s no limit, then it makes a mockery of ‘one man, one vote'” — George Takei


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In this quote, actor and activist George Takei is criticizing the influence of immense wealth on the political process. He suggests that when billionaires can donate vast sums of $50-500 million to candidates without spending caps, it undermines the democratic principle of equal representation and sway.

Takei implies such unlimited donations allow the viewpoints and priorities of the extremely wealthy to drown out all other voices.

Overall, the quote conveys Takei’s view that unfettered political spending at such astronomical levels concentrates undue power in the hands of a tiny fraction of donors and distorts the notion of every citizen’s vote holding equal weight and impact on elections.

David Sirota: Millions & Billions

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2021

David Sirota Money Quote saying in twitter commentary that big money was campaigning against giving small amounts to citizens. David Sirota said:
TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires as they block thousandaires from receiving hundreds Quote

“TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires as they block thousandaires from receiving hundreds” — David Sirota


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In this quote, David Sirota seems to be criticizing the influence of money in politics and media. By referring to “TV millionaires paid by media billionaires to defend millionaire politicians bankrolled by billionaires”, Sirota implies that wealthy media corporations, politicians, and donors are in alignment and use their financial resources to promote one another’s agendas.

Describing them as blocking “thousandaires from receiving hundreds”, he suggests this system prevents average citizens from receiving even modest financial benefits.

Overall, the quote conveys Sirota’s perspective that a revolving door of money exists between certain media, political, and business elites which entrenches their power at the expense of ordinary people’s interests. He appears to be advocating for reform to reduce the outsized role of wealth in public discourse and policymaking.

Bernie Sanders: Wealth Inequality

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 24, 2021

Bernie Sanders Money Quote saying the U.S. is rated first in every metric of inequality. Bernie Sanders said:
No. 1 in childhood poverty and No. 1 in income and wealth inequality in the industrialized world Quote

“Today, the United States is No. 1 in billionaires, No. 1 in corporate profits, No. 1 in CEO salaries, No. 1 in childhood poverty and No. 1 in income and wealth inequality in the industrialized world” — Bernie Sanders


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What does Bernie Sanders mean by “No. 1 in every metric of inequality”?
Bernie Sanders is saying that the United States is ranked first in every measure of inequality, including billionaires, corporate profits, CEO salaries, childhood poverty, and income and wealth inequality in the industrialized world.

Bernie Sanders highlights that the US has a significant wealth gap between the rich and poor, and it is the worst in the industrialized world. According to the quote, the US has the most billionaires, corporate profits, CEO salaries, and childhood poverty, and it also has the highest income and wealth inequality. However, it’s important to note that this statement is based on a specific perspective and may not be a comprehensive representation of the entire issue.

Regarding the comparison to other industrialized countries, it’s worth noting that there are various ways to measure wealth inequality, and different studies may have different findings. However, many experts agree that the US has a relatively high level of wealth inequality compared to other developed countries. For example, a 2020 report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that the US had one of the highest levels of income inequality among its member countries.

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