E.W. Howe: Even Bargains Cost

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 10, 2021

E. W. Howe Money Quote saying it is complex to make women understand that bargains have an expense involved. E. W. Howe said:
One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money Quote

“One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money” — E. W. Howe


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In this quote, E. W. Howe is commenting on how difficult it can be to persuade some women that even when they find a good sale or “bargain”, whatever they purchase still requires money to obtain. His implication seems to be that some women may overlook or downplay the financial cost involved when excited about getting an item at a discounted price.

The best interpretation is that Howe is wryly pointing out the challenge in convincing consumers, especially some women, that any purchase requires monetary expenditure – even if it is advertised or feels like a good deal. He suggests the perception of a low price can obscure the reality that money is still changing hands in a transaction.

Birthday: May 3, 1853 – Death: October 3, 1937

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