Tim Love: Money Just Happens

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tim Love Money Quote saying focus on building an idea as entity which can’t help but attract revenue if adopted by all involved in moving the enterprise. Tim Love said:
Some people chase money. The greatest entrepreneurs drive the culture around an idea. Then the money just happens Quote

“Some people chase money. The greatest entrepreneurs drive the culture around an idea. Then the money just happens” — Tim Love


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In this quote, Tim Love is contrasting two different mindsets towards business – chasing money directly versus driving culture through new ideas. Love argues that the “greatest entrepreneurs” focus first on developing and spreading an innovative idea, concept or vision that shifts culture in some way.

They lead by championing a new way of thinking rather than simply pursuing profits. According to Love, when entrepreneurs take this approach of prioritizing cultural change over money, financial success often follows as a natural consequence rather than the primary goal.

The quote suggests the most impactful and enduring businesses are built by entrepreneurs who concentrate on revolutionizing an industry or space through their ideas, and let profits emerge as a byproduct of that cultural influence rather than aiming for wealth above all else.

You have a great idea. Now you need to uplift others to help you achieve your goals. #MakeIt #CNBCMakeiT #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #MondayMotivation

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